
>Tales of the Jedi
>Bad Batch s2
>Jedi: Survivor
>(and Mando s3 & 4)
Prequel fans, we won.

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Not real Star Wars.
Darkside Timeline

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Not to rain on your parade but all of that is vapid crap compared to the old EU.

I miss them so much. All that 80s, 90s, 00s culture out the window. The silver lining is that it cannot be bastardised by Disney beyond remakes and SWTOR expansions.

(...I know. But we are never getting it back. At least we have some Anakin and Obi-Wan content)


>All of George Lucas' hard work ruined by Disney and that Filoni fucker.
George Lucas, forgive us, for we know not what we do.

who the fuck is playing swtor i just dont get it. people play wow because they have good memories of it but swtor launched and it was a catastrophe their solution to save face was to make the game a free to play single player mmo and every expansion people just complain about what they've done to the lore this time.
all i fucking wanted was more kotor when I was young instead they announced this travesty that still limps along like a zombie in this disney timeline

A Choke On doesn't belong on that picture. And Star Wars died on October 12 2012. All Star Wars content was created before that day, nothing else since then.

Don't do it man. It's not worth it. Remember the good old days. Don't taint those memories with the Leia and Reeva Show.

>Jedi: Survivor
As long as the cute Russian witch waifu is in it, I'll play it.

Nah I'm doing it for them, I just wanna see their duel. Plus we got the Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon stuff that Deborah took from the Kenobi book. The Grand Inquisitor shitting on REEEEva is based too, I hope that mofo beheads her gorilla head.

God Assoaker sure sticks out like a sore thumb.

Then why does it feel like losing?

Because George isn't directing any of them

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Not exactly the same but I fucking love that ship

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>nothing focusing on gen grievous
we aint won shit

Attached: never forget.webm (900x506, 1.66M)

>be prequel fan
>somehow think that yidsney ruining prequels is a good thing

Tales of the Jedi announcement was so fucking disappointing, snippets from random prequel Jedi is what we got in the clone wars plus all the other prequel shit we are getting.

but most of those have barely any connection to prequels and set way after? or mommy mon mothma in andor and mando flying naboo fighter is good enough for you?

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