hell yes

Attached: encino man sequel.png (724x899, 671.56K)

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Is Pauly Shore alive?

Blast from the Past?

>47 seconds ago
not reading your article, op.

Morbius was better

wasn't he in a bootleg animated russian pinnochio

mah nigga



Attached: Pauly.jpg (2000x2000, 598.29K)

the weasel has.... has seen better days.

not too bad. just laser off the superficial skin damage (like $5k) and put some matte sunblock on his face. it would be cool to see him back together with fraser & astin, who are both ready to work.

But The Mummy 2 already had a sequel

i tried to watch his joe rogan interview but he just whined about not being a big star. I felt a pang of pity for his disrespectful, narcissistic, pathetic bleating. I hope they just avoid this clown show and get someone else.

Zendaya will play the missing link.

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You should listen to his Adam Green podcast episode. Holy shit, what an asshole! Funny, but a bonafide asshole.


>encino man now has feathers

cant wait to see a 40 year old man wheeze the juice

a daring synthmorbus

they're gen xers, so they're in their 50s through early 60s if you can believe it

>tfw you wheeze all the juice

its the whee-ee-zel
>everyone claps

he's playing the stoner neighbor in straight to DVD stuff now


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juice wheezer bros we weren't cocky enough

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god i wish i had some juice...


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>try to get an icee
>finally find a place that sells them after searching everywhere
>don't even sell cherry anymore apparently

america is dead to me.