This movie was fucking boring

this movie was fucking boring

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Well yeah, it's not Morbius

he drank your milkshake too

I honestly didn't even know they had milkshakes back in the 1800s or whatever the fuck it's set.

came here to say this, fpbp

you got filtered

cant stop
wont stop

I haven’t been able to enjoy a movie since I watched Morbius. Everything feels like dogshit when you’ve seen god inspired kino

The acting was bad

Filtered. You won't get it unless you understand American frontier lore.

Shut your fuckin mouth, you're talking about one of the greatest movies of all time. OF ALL TIME.

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always got DRUK when watching it and always ended around the bastard in a basket part, still pretty good

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Reddit opinion. PTA sucks.

It really sucks aside from the production design and some of the acting. It communicated nothing and was so boring I watched it but had forgotten I'd already seen it until like an hour in. The memorable parts (le milkshake meme) do not justify the 2 hours and 40 minutes of useless scenes.

Insect brain analysis.

>movies HAVE to communicate a moral

soundtrack was bussin

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Paul Thomas Anderson is a garbage director. Arrogant man that puts much stock into his appearance and being a part of the "scene". The worm wriggles his way about Hollywood, given a nice slick slime suit, that is the wealth afforded by his daddy who himself was a rich guy with plentiful media connections that got his talentless hack of a son handshakes and jobs. PTA is the antithesis to Kubrick. A sloppy wannabe, without an eye for art, and rather than sit and do everything from afar and divorced from external influence in rural England, PTA goes to the LA crowd and caves to every person he meets and does what he was raised to do. Please people. Compromise. Rub shoulders. The movies convey much the same. In fact, the casting in Licorice Pizza was done purely out of expediency for furthering his personal connections, reputation, as evidenced by the casting of Hoffman's son. All of his movies have a dreadful atmosphere of superficiality about them, much like the hustling culture of Los Angeles and those who it attracts. Stupid sycophant's, maggots deep in the flesh, feeding on the sweet, pretty, fleshy confection that is LA, a blood cake iced and spattered with silver and gold. Pretty tunes, music for brothels. Deep inside the cake, they twitter and wriggle and copulate and kiss and suck, growing bellies that are fat, shoulders broad enough to carry the ponderous crucifixion of fame. Victors of the fame game. I, PTA, salute you with 2 hours and thirteen minutes of film that I call a movie! Bravo, a film by PTA! The world hangs hushed on every sickening scene, stands transfixed in awe at reviews promising seriousness. Hollow titles, rattling with double entendres and melodramatic metaphors. Empty rodomontade titles like "Licorice Pizza", a title that tells one nothing. PTA entitles his grand film Licorice Pizza and it means nothing.

I'm not reading your copypasta