Now that the dust has settled, was is morbius?

Now that the dust has settled, was is morbius?

Attached: morbius.jpg (1200x800, 204.03K)

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I caught diarrhea after going out to see Morbius, but I was sharing pop with a lot of people. It was morbin tho

i saw mods did a failed sticky earlier
how long was it up?

I've got Morbius on my laptop and I'm bringing my HDMI cable our Memorial Day family gathering so that we can watch kino. We're going to have a morbtacular time.


Truly the best Morbius film yet

bout tree fiddy

It wasn't that bad. I was mildly entertained by it.

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it truly was morbius

I was morbidly entertained.

>morbius when lessbius comes to the party

Definitely one of the most movies of all time. It's right up there.


To be fair you must fully understand many things to understand Morbius. Morbius is about the fall of the monarchy and the introduction of the democracy.

The use of blue Morbius serum to heal people with his disease stands in for monarchies (“blue bloods”): efficient but prone to complications. Morbius’ discovery of his healing serum developed with the saliva of vampire bats (reference to the state of nature) is the discovery of democracy (no coincidence morbius is a Greek man). His conflict with Milo/Lucien symbolizes the conflict with anarchy (acting with no rules and fully submitting to the chaotic state of nature) and fascism (strong dominating the week). Morbius’ shout of “it’s morbin time” is a rallying cry for democracies around the world to stand strong in their principles as Morbius did in Morbius.

#MorbiusSweep #MorbMovement #MorbiusMeaning

I like this interpretation. This is an intellectual breakdown of Morbius, that even most critics were filtered by. I actually hated Morbius for about a week after I watched it. How I saw it, was Morbius and Milo were basically the same person with two different philosophies. They both grew up in shitty circumstances with a shitty disease, and yet, they took different paths in how they chose to react to their circumstances. That’s why I see the movie as a message that no one is forced to be evil. They both have a dark side and morbius sometimes morbs out, but he does good for people despite that

Absolutely morbacious.

Morbius used to go to the same gym as me but it was a really awkward experience and I cancelled my membership after too many odd situations when he was in the locker room at the same time as me. He kept kept walking around with his cock out and greeting everyone that came in formally while naked, he would shave his armpits nude in the mirrors and eat pistachios in the shower, clogging the drain with shells. The shells were very unpleasant to stand on.

But the last straw was when I walked in and interrupted him giving himself some kind of enema with one of those bulb kits, he was squatting over the trash can.

He didn't even stop or make eye contact, just said "tinkerin' with the ol' turd chute, you know how it is, bro".

I am sure he was breaching hygiene rules.

MORB up your favorite film

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Just be happy you didn’t make him morb. The bad thing about Morbius is he gets away with truly awful behavior and everyone let’s it slide because they’re too afraid to tell him he’s acting atrociously because they fear he’ll drink their blood and murder them for it

I have a tattoo around my penis of Morbius, and my entire shaft is covered in the morbius side, and the other half is in his normal face

This seems fake, Morbius can barely walk, how is he going to the gym

ok, now I have to watch it to understand what you guys are talking about.

Attached: anya is morbin.jpg (845x965, 82.89K)