Is this a good movie? It’s between this and Legend with Tom Hardy

Is this a good movie? It’s between this and Legend with Tom Hardy.

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How'd you like No Country for Old Men? How about Hell or High Water?

I liked it 7.5/10

dont watch Legend with Tom Hardy my igger

You mean Legend with Tom Cruise? Wind River is the better film but Legend has an absolutely kino scene with a sentient dress.

Live no country for old man, have not watched the others

>Men are.... LE BAD!

natives are the unsung heros and white men are le bad: the movie

Found it rather boring

Alright I think Windriver is the way to go then. Getting my snacks and beer, I don’t think gf will want to watch it, she didn’t like NCfOM.

Ah fuck, really? Maybe I’ll watchhell n high water

Anyone watched this yet?

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no that's kind of bullshit natives are portrayed as drug addicts at some point, it's just kind of a real gritty movie that serves to add emotional weight to the shootout at the end and an emotional message about strength in the face of nature and adversity

people are just sensitive to the woke bullshit, it's not REALLY woke.

It's ok but Hold The Dark is better. I think both are on Netflix.

>help me choose between movies with the two gayest, most unappealing leading men

Just watch a webm of the bit where Olsen gets raped then watch something else, thank me later

Got better movies I should check out?


Thanks user
I’ll check it out.

Ok, wind river. Got my snacks ready.

A chick should have no problem with Wind River, unless she's irredeemable. It's not something like, say, The Terror.
If she says she doesn't like the movie, it's because she's jealous of Elizabeth Olsen's beauty, most likely.

Attached: the terror brothers.webm (1280x720, 2.83M)

It's dogshit and dishonest because Taylor Sheridan is a hack, the only good parts of movies he worked on are the ones that the directors completely overhauled, scrapped, and changed. Read the sicario and HoHW scripts to understand this.

Avoid, it's horrible navel gazing gay cowboy bullshit.

Dumb movie. I don't know why they are willing to risk their lives to protect some rapist asshole that doesn't seem to be anybody to them.

Overrated. It tries to have that shock ending moment but it came off as...ok so?