How is this the best one?

it was retarded
the fisherman one is better than every other one combined

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Both are kino
Jibaro has more rewatch ability

there is no point to watch that again

Fisherman was generic af

i only watched this episode cause of the webms
do i bother actually watching s1 to 3? i thought the style was really neat

Most people think it was good because people online usually say it is good and they dont want to miss out
Its like Zima Blue is best even though its bland as fuck
Lesson here is to just enjoy the episodes and discuss them individually and not rank them because its retarded

I rewatched all the seasons and I cant believe how forgettable Season 2 is.

is you are into the animations then maybe but the story is trash in s1 and 2 no redeemable episodes

the soviet army one honestly btfos all of it

From season 1:
>Beyond the Aquila Rift
>Zima Blue
special mention:
>sucker of souls (fun vamp shit)
>good hunting (same studio and style as jibaro)

Any Mason's Rats chads?

Here, but you are only my bro if you cheered for the killer robot

>Cheer for clear metaphor of a Zogbot killing innocents trying to rise up and stop being opressed by Jews
Nah, fuck you.

Jibaro is some vain arthouse bullshit. It's barely animated with the excessive use of shaky cam and motion capture, and the forced gay ballet dance moves just scream pretentiousness.

Fuck Jibaro and fuck any pseudo-intellectual lauding it as ""'kino"".

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Would be cool if there wasn’t any shaky cam. Ruins the whole thing

>the literal rats living in stolen property are not the jews

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it's barely pseudo-intellectual. they tried to push some artistic crap but at the end there was no message. there was no point. there was nothing to it

I dont understand why people keep saying this, season 2 is definitely weaker than the other seasons but it had some good ones.
Cool style and voice acting but story was complete shit
>Pop Squad
>Snow in the desert
>All through the house
I thought it was a neat little short. Interesting twist to Santa.
>The drowned giant
Subjective but I thought it was interesting even though the episode doesn't go anywhere.

Kill Team Kill was the best one though.

Mason's Rats didn't make fucking sense. It had plotholes up the ass and was inconsistent the entire runtime.
>laser turrets get installed without opposition from the rats
>laser turret commandeered by rats never brought up
>rats just forgive Mason for causing the massacre of their people
Worst short in the series

Stop trying to apply logic to fun animated shorts.

I liked Bad Traveling

i thought netflix avoided testosterone masculinity like the plague but they went so overboard with it the episode was just annoying

Jibaro is Baz Luhrmann-esque horseshit.

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becuse the conquistador despoiled the banshee and that was crazy
jibaro impress me more that it should
and due to that it was the Aquila rift of season 3