Is it possible to make a (good) Book of the New Sun adaptation?

Is it possible to make a (good) Book of the New Sun adaptation?

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more than 50% of the appeal is not knowing what the fuck is going on because all you have are written but badly translated accounts of what happened in the story and have to piece it together. How would you pull this off in a visual medium like film?

No do this one

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has there been any films or short films on any of gene wolfes work? I really like gene wolfe

either way its almost guaranteed to be less boring because things usually happen in movies instead of goofing off with a dog and some chick on a street or something

Now if ever is not the time. Leave it alone.


The Gormenghast show from like 2002 was pretty good, I don't see why they can't do the same again.

This. They already raped LOTR and WOT.

Because it's not 2002 anymore.

yeah sssshhhh look what they did to Foundation


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Question, why does Baldanders have such a bad memory and always forgetting who people are?
And the play, in the first book Baldanders jumps into the crowd to scare everyone off, but in Claw severian makes it sound like he really was going berserk and it wasn't part of the play, then the cacogens zapped him. He knew the cacogens, why did he try and pull that shit them?

Wrong board.

God no, it would be pozzed beyond recognition.

This is a book of the new sun thread. I assume people talking about it are familiar

Have it be a found footage movie but all the footage has chunks missing or scrambled.

uhhhh paging christopher nolan (not jonathan stay away u hack)

What. Wouldnt it be called Video of the New Sun then?
The entire purpose of it is that its a written account of what he did, from hisnl point of view. Just clever angles and camera work would suffice. Never show the matachin tower from the outside, dont actually show the astronaut painting until after severian describes it to the picture cleaner. Stuff like that.
Still, Jonas and the antichamber would filter countless

she walks as if she had some sort of mental retardation

Because he doesn't care about humans and is aligned with Abaia.

>Do a movie about a guy with mental illness being raped by a child