Does this movie have a plot twist? If so, what was it? I don't have time for watching Shyamalan

Does this movie have a plot twist? If so, what was it? I don't have time for watching Shyamalan
flops. Spoil the hell out of this movie, I don't care.

Attached: 118-Columna-Cinexperto1.jpg (1080x793, 422.22K)

it was all a dream

Plot twist is that the beach is a testbed for big pharma


Nah sounds like you made it up, nice try lmao

Don't take the vax!

>It is revealed that the resort is a front for a research team conducting clinical trials of new medical drugs, which are administered to guests with medical conditions by spiking their drinks. Since the beach naturally accelerates the lives of the guests, the researchers have been able to complete the lifelong drug trials within a day.

This one is actually true. They get exposed to the cops at the end

Turns out the beach is not real and it's just in the imagination of a man dying from a heart attack owl creek style

So read the wiki page you stupid fucking faggot

I just read the wiki and I can't believe it's as simple as call the cops lol. These people have murdered 73 groups of people but get surprised somehow? Dumb as fuck.

Wouldn’t it be really obvious almost immediately that people who go to this resort never come back? Like NONE of the people told friends and family where they were going before they disappeared forever? And isn’t one of the guys a celebrity?

>Since the beach naturally accelerates the lives of the guests
so this just a normal thing that happens in nature?

mid sized sedan

This is the most stupid thing I've ever read in my entire life.

No it isn't

M night is such a oblivious hack it's ridiculous

the girl in the bathing suit was interesting

how is Shyamalanadingdongsirs still getting money to make movies?

The beach itself has minerals that have some kinda magnetism that affects peoples cells

Fucking retarded and unfortunately true

>Figure out how to reverse it and solve aging
"Nah, let's just use it for life long pharmaceutical trials"

The kiddie rape part was odd to me