Australia appreciation thread. What's something from this country you like? For me, it's Bluey

Australia appreciation thread. What's something from this country you like? For me, it's Bluey.

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Fuck em, sending their convicts here

For me it's how rapidly they're hurtling toward environmental collapse

mr inbetween was a decent tv show

the number of raping
as a glohomo gay, that place is a very attractive one for me
bring it on

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Considering how shitty the world is now, who cares about climate change. I'll keep driving a V8 sedan and let the zoomers melt.

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How are zoomers in your cunt anyway? Are they as obnoxious as ours and Brits?

I like how they are really far south. It is quite impressive unlike Russia who is so far north. America has guam so we a good if you get me

They're cookie cutters of yours for sure, as are millennials (by which I mean they're just like your millennials, not like zoomers). Some zoomers here have the full dumbass curly hair meme and everything.

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>Some zoomers here have the full dumbass curly hair meme and everything.
I will never get the appeal of this.

Aus and NZ zoomers have almost no domestic content so they all copy American and to a degree British Zoomers


I really don't either but I see it on zoomers sometimes.

I've tried watching domestic content but it's really pretty terrible, so I can't be surprised that everyone turns to US media for entertainment.

This plays into why America doesn't have culture meme. Aside from the fact that we kinda just took some from a bit of everywhere else, but the parts we do make get globalized and are considered normal instead of American. Like wearing jeans.

My hair naturally looks like this and I've had people ask me if I get perms cause of these kids


Essentially. I don't see anything wrong with it either, I like your cars, some of your music and some of your TV shows so whatever.
A big problem here is that our media content is overtly Australian, to the point of being obnoxious and like a cringy parody, so people hate it and don't watch it. That and all the terrible reality shows with celebrities nobody likes.

Thanks. There's tons of great stuff here but also plenty of terrible shit either, the entertainment industry likes to throw darts and hope it sticks. I don't know much about Australia but I would like to learn more about it and eventually travel there. I would have to do a bunch of research obviously.

NZ media is even worse its "look how not Australian we are" and "let me drop Maori words in sentences which no one does irl" even the 6pm news uses Maori words

>For me, it's Bluey.
Based. Trips confirms it. Chilli is my favorite character.

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Ouch. Canada is the same way and it's kinda hilarious now that I think about it. Canada is seen as diet America and basically much nicer than us in general. Even through the nice part is nowhere near as true.

>the entertainment industry likes to throw darts and hope it sticks.
That's something I notice as do other people. Capeshit is considered a really tired genre here for example.

>NZ media is even worse its "look how not Australian we are" and "let me drop Maori words in sentences which no one does irl" even the 6pm news uses Maori words
Fuck that's cringe. We don't have anything like that yet but the day is no doubt coming. Our news stories have a lot of that "true blue aussie" shit in them where they interview some old boomer because they think it's fun to be like "look how Aussie this is!" for every story.

>Got dubs two times in a row
This show is blessed.

yeah I never watch tv here anymore, I only watch american shows and movies online

is this a kids show or something? looks like something from abc3

>That's something I notice as do other people. Capeshit is considered a really tired genre here for example.
It's a tired genre here too, but as long as they continue to be the biggest and highest production value films coming out people will see them for the spectacle I reckon

Capeshit is getting old here too. Popular enough to still a shit ton of money but the hype for it is not as high as it used to be. Another thing that the entertainment industry does is playing it safe by milking whatever they know works. So yeah, we get new shit occasionally but we hardly get anything that is entirely different AND good.

Yeah it's even worse when they get an Indian or Chinese Migrants to say shit like "Kia Ora Bro"

Yes. Any Forums got me hooked. I thought it was just another mindless toddler show but it's surprisingly well written and animated super good. Better than what we're used to as far as the standard digital animations go.

You don't know Bluey? It's huge here and worldwide man. It's an animated show about a family of dogs that live in Brisbane. It's one of those cartoons where adults and kids both love it.

I think it's really dying off here. The last few movies didn't go that well here and people hated the new Thor movie, my friend saw it and said only one other person was in the cinema. I was a big fan of Iron Man myself but I wasn't that interested in Marvel after the "first wave" or whatever it's called after the Iron Man movies.

They rarely put immigrants on here unless it's to parrot something or talk about how unfair something is.

The iron man movies hits different so I don't blame him. No, seriously. It felt more genuine and down to earth while the Avengers and other side newer movies had to follow a formula and by design. That's actually why I liked ant man and 2 despite being one of the modern marvel movies. They don't do a typical saving the world thing, it felt more personal.