ITT: Movies that women cant understand

ITT: Movies that women cant understand

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Some women can though, I discovered this from watching reactions on youtube.

Master & Commander

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Women love this movie though

they dont understand it

throw yourself into the lava, vermin

braindead zoomer

my gf loves it, but she's very very racist and sexist because i made her that way. luv me gf.

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Based Popcorn in Bed enjoyer

she's trans i forgot to mention if that matters

my wife walked down the aisle to 'concerning hobbits' and she calls me the Beren to her Luthien.

Even if she doesn't really get, she loves the movies

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>my wife walked down the aisle to 'concerning hobbits' and she calls me the Beren to her Luthien.
how fat is she? and you?

Even though I liked this movie, it was ridiculous that one of the brothers fought like 4 down to the wire matches where he was beaten savagely in a row. After the first fight he would have been bruised and broken and unable to even have the flexibility or durability required to continue fighting again night after night.

Let alone beat his brother who had won every fight from knockouts in one punch and was essentially still in great condition.

Literally my mom's favorite movie besides gone with the wind.

Not at all. We have theatre BFAs, so we're just retarded.

>We have theatre BFAs
got it, morbidly obese then

hackson barely understood the source material but i freely admit that his movies are the best we are ever gonna get and that's a gosh darn shame...

we're both indian (original aryans, north india) but i do kinda look like that i suppose.