“Money makes the world go round”

How do you anons deal with being broke in your countries? How broke on a scale of 1-10 would you say you are?

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at least i still have my dignity

6 by myself
1 if I swallow my pride and go to papa

have been homeless and it was honestly the best time of my life.

I would honestly sell my dignity (in minor ways) for cash that probably says a lot about my morals and pride

Well that’s a different thing imo, me and you are in similar positions I am still very reliant on my parents

Why is that? What do you dislike about living the standard way in society?

I have 5 digit $ in my bank

In contrast to those around me, I'm like a 7 or 8 on the poor scale but idk globally

>save up money as a kid
>dad sets up a college fund for me
>occasionally work small jobs for pocket money
then grandpa died, we find out he has a lot of debts and his house is going to be taken by the bank and grandma's going to be homeless
my parents took me and my siblings' money and paid off the debt

now i'm 24 and starting life with 0$ to my name
so 9/10 I guess

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Damn, do you gotta work with that for a while? That is borderline impossible

Why do you say that?

I thought you had an Indian flag and I was like "get the fuck out of here" and then oh right sweden.


Do you feel any resentment towards your parents and grandfather for your current situation?


I make a decent amount of money and I have no idea how to spend it. Even my dissociative addiction hasn't put much of a dent in my finances.

Are you a druggie?

Haha what a dumb cunt of a grandpa

I was being facetious. Fates decided I'll die destitute anyhow

I like fancy word this was unrelated but whatever

I'm desiccated, distraught, despondent, and defeated. These alliterations doing anything for you?

i have $2300 in savings but i'm a retail wagie.

of course
I have friends who are literal millionaires, have their own businesses, and/or married with kids

here I am trying to start with nothing
i dont even have a college degree yet

Did you save all that up by yourself?