Admit it, you rooted for Max.

Best scene so far.

(too bad it was ruined with the kiss flashback...)

Attached: max.jpg (1006x928, 204.69K)

I unironically wanted her to die just because it would have been pretty novel to unceremoniously kill a main character like that, but yeah the scene was pretty kino
>muh kiss scene
Kill yourself you fragile snowflake faggot

>havent watched anything beyond s01e02 because its 80's nostalgiatrash bait

you joyless fag


>tells people to kys
>because they don't like something you jerk off too
Holy kek boy. Grow up tranny.

in racist and cried and that scene

why are they afraid of killing people, it took until season 3 and they killed 1 long running character, and 1 new character

best character desu

Pretty sure she was gonna die, unironically a quite tense scene

Blacked porn is a gateway to scat fetish.

>and they killed 1 long running character
Billy? He wasn't really long running he was a side character for 2 seasons

I actually wanted her to die, not because I hated her character, I thought she was developing into a more interesting character, but because I wanted some real tragedy in the series. Imagine the demoralization and devastation the group would have felt. It would have made the inevitable final confrontation that more enjoyable.

Great actress for her age, her and Robin are the only good ones in the show.

this will sell our show.

>in racist and cried and that scene
I cried until I remembered she kissed it

But the point of that episode was for her to heal from her trauma. Her surviving had a point to it, I’m sure they’ll kill Eddie or some shit

It was perfectly teasing her first inevitable demise, and then gave the viewer a glimmer of hope of her suvival, all to a really good song to hit it home. Imagine if they just snapped away all hope from the viewer, if they killed her. It would have been kino.

No, was hoping they would lose a member. It would've set the right tone for what they're up against.

wrong, I like scat but no darkies

It would have to be fair but you have to give the audience a win or the whole thing just becomes misery for the sake of it. We already have sad hopper, Joyce, Eleven, Mike/Will, Lucas. Season is full of enough sad sacks as is
It would have made the entire 2 episodes before pointless too.

>you have to give the audience a win or the whole thing just becomes misery for the sake of it
That's what defeating the villain at the end is all about really. But they really need a turning point that really gives the weight of their adversary. Her scene was beautiful, and if she died in it, it would have been enormous.

its literally had a buildup, music, flashbacks
what more of a ceremony do you need for a death scene?
you faggots just say shit without even thinking. its so fucking stupid here

Any pics of her hairy forearms, armpits or legs?

Corona coffin