What the fuck MENAbros??? Is this true???

What the fuck MENAbros??? Is this true???

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Wait till you know the the majority of the slave owners in North Africa and the Levant were jews


Kill Matt Walsh
Killl Ben Shapiro
Kill Fascists

It's true THOUGH.

>noooo I'm not gonna apologize for slavery it's my ancestors fault not mine
>btw we wuz slaves for arabs and shiet you have to apologize it's your fault

Marry all the bussies, fuck all bussies.

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The difference is the sheer volume of people. The transatlantic slave trade took an existing practice, and pumped it up to industrial levels, depleting populations as it became lucrative to enslave, and sell your neighbor to Europeans.
Berber Pirates were small time by comparison, and most of the Med slaves ended up in the Ottoman Empire, with their decedents gaining freedom, and integrating into the local culture instead of being used as hard manual labor for generations.
But I know how whites love to be all "We wuz slaves n shit too!"

I want a MENA girlfriend bros

pay reparations NOW!

what makes them fascists ?

he is phrasing it as Africans to get (American educated) people to assume black

>hummm sweetie ashktually not that kind of slavery this one slavery was good because....

unironically off yourself

Glory to the memory of the men who fought and died
"No surrender" is the war cry of the Belfast Brigade

Did I say it was good? No. I said it wasn't as bad as the other.
Why do you need this cope as a swede anyways?

>The difference is the sheer volume of people.
Do you not know how long this went on in europe?
It wasn't just pirates, it was empires that took slaves from Europe. Ottomans would send armies to take girls and boys from balkans areas
> The transatlantic slave trade took an existing practice, and pumped it up to industrial levels, depleting populations as it became lucrative to enslave, and sell your neighbor to Europeans.
If there was any population depletion it was done by African kingdoms selling populations of conquered areas

>huh, ashktually this slavery was not that bad.

yes, off yourself

I do not get what point you're trying to make.
Is it that enslaving 10 people is equal in evil to enslaving 1000? Because that seems silly to me.

>Some Arabs were slavers so it's okay for us to hate black people
What do Americans mean by this?

>It's the fault of the African kingdoms
So encouraging an evil behavior is okay so long as you aren't the one doing it?

As far as I can tell the main difference is-
>social mobility
you had the chance to make it big or atleast become free
>racial angle
reinforced the above
The other thing I am not certain whether it was or was not present in Arab slavery-
>children not slaves
you wouldnt be bred only for your children ro be slaves and often sold off for ever

Well to be fair, schools here skip virtually all of European history unless its WWII or England during the 1600-1700's. I was never taught about the romans once in any of my school, literally everything I know about the romans has been of my own perogative

less than 2 million slaves over a period of four centuries sounds like nothing

yes i think owning a slave is equally bad that owning 6 and you shouldn't try and minimize that 1 slave to make it look less bad.

I once knew a libanese chick. She was cute. I love arab chicks. They make my pepee feel good

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And yet the one in the US was the most brutal
Not even the US since only the strongest slaves made it there, they died like dogs halfway on the Atlantic

Likewise if you make it all the same then you might as well enslave the earth if you've enslaved one person already.
An all or nothing approach that seems just stupid to me. pretty much gets the difference, and why one is demonized, and the other is not. Whites in the US (and I guess those infected by American social media) love to believe in the whole "Whites were slaves too!" as a way to cure them of some guilt they feel due to some cultural autism.

lmfao shit's come full circle

Yes. It’s why I’m MENA but also white and also entitled to reparations and also allowed to live in Australia.

americans are sick in the head