Put a baby in me terry

>put a baby in me terry

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Melanie was hotter

Sorry, I prefer my black sidekick. You have nothing going for you except for your looks.

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>hi i'm max please enjoy my ear grating female VA do an awful job and my sassy focus group tested girlboss attitude


Thank you, I will.

Okay out a baby on that one then

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I remember a girl in college made fun of me and asked me if I was Batman as nobody knows what I do outside class and they never see me at night time and they were aware of my distain for drugs and other criminal activity.

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Batman Beyond, zoom zoom

I'm literally a zoomer and saw Batman Beyond clips on youtube as a kid.

what about that ink lady villain would creampie

>youtube as a kid

i fuckin love those bruce timm eyes and eyeliner/mascara look and shit in all the DCAU

This bitch nearly ruined the show
Terry should've dumped the asian for 10
I'd watch it Saturday mornings on WB-33. Not sure how any one else watched it besides youtube or netflix years later.

Yes, it's not the 90's anymore gramps.

Terry literally had every girl soaking wet for him.

I'm 32 and look like this hair wise

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I think this is why I never got into beyond as a kid. I didn't find the name Terry commanding or intimidating.

Terry should've had more sex in the show
Damn what did you tell her?

Timmsluts are the best. Hopefully his new Batman show delivers.

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at least she didn't call you Sheldon

me in the back

>no way fag

Yikes. Would shaving it off work for your head?

>Damn what did you tell her?
I said "do I look like I go around beating up criminals at night to you" and she immediately shouted yes and laughed.

He's probably worried Bruce will use his bat tech to cuck him like he cucked Terry's dad.

so she called you badass? why didn't you fuck her right then and there

I'm not outwardly nerdy. I'm confident and dismissive of other people and enjoy stuff like giving presentations. I just don't like partying and socialising.

Are you Any Forums?

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I swear watching this show and seeing Melanie back when I was kid 100% influenced my taste in women now.

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People keep complaining that they wasted Blight, but I'm actually happy he's done after season 1. It's infinitely preferable to how Joker keeps haunting Bruce without end. Blight's arc had a beginning, middle and a satisfying conclusion - Terry dealt with his archenemy, and moved on with his life.

I took it more as her making fun of me for being a loner rather than her saying I was badass. I'm not extremely Any Forums just lightly. She said it was my eyes anyways not my body that made her think I was some sort of batman figure. She said I have an intense stare or some nonsense. Its just what I was thought when I went to debating and public speaking evening classes in high school.

haha user you're just like Sheldor!

Best girl in the show easy

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I love everyone in the background staring at him waiting for his reponse.

"The batman" cartoon was also fun, don't @me

I'm not into nerdy stuff at all. I failed science in high school actually. I've always been more of a business and humanities type. I was involved in my fathers property development business since I was a teenager.