
So is this movie actually good or just more Jewish propaganda?

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it's mildly funny movie

>A spike lee flick
Huh? What do yo think?

do you have to ask? it's clearly contemporary retarded garbage

Just because it touches a subject that's touchy to alt-right incels doesn't make it bad

it's obviously trash

hitler dubs disprove

But why

Did i said that? Huh?

It's neither.
more hitler dubs

get your blase fucking trash opinions out of here, don't even care if you're just after (you)s, gtfo faggot

The Nazis hated the KKK, they were Protestants

its a good movie, just ignore the incels

Context: I voted for Trump twice.
I thought it was a decent movie, 6.5/10, up until the montage at the end..

fucking off yourself you stupid faggot

Back off, chud

It's a Spike Lee Joint you fucking nazi


You heard me, troon

What subject is that exactly?

Doesn't the movie push the 'Nazis are very fine people' hoax?

They portray the Klan members as being idiots but in the area at that time, most of the members worked at NORAD, so they were probably engineers, researchers and technicians.

It's one of those libshit things where they believe that any white with a race-critical worldview is an uneducated underachiever so they had to make it manifest in the movie despite it not corresponding with reality.

Racist nazi chuds

a black cop infiltrating a white supremecy organisation, obviously very touchy for cumskin faggot incels

It's pretty shitty and overwrought, like muh contrast between the BLACK POWER WHITE POWER scenes and ends with pushing the TDS insane narrative that it was evil David Duke-tier Nazis overrunning the USA that got Trump elected, who, of course, is an evil fascist overlord who overtly praises Nazism, per the narrative that Spike and his ilk like to promote.

The whole real life "story" was such a boring big fat nothing that they had to invent the bomb plot line.

t's straight up bad and disingenuously inaccurate.

Conceptually could've made a decent buddy cop comedy a couple decades ago but it's uninteresting on all levels.

>Bomb subplot
>In real life they never got a single conviction out of this operation
>made up racist cop side plot
>MC's black power gf total invention, he was already married IRL when this operation began

watch this based interview, it's the last time they ever had David Duke on a mainstream tv show again lol

Oh also the scene where the undercover black cop gets arrested by white cops never happened. Just so many falsehoods in this story to be anti-Trump and push a modern agenda. Extremely cringe propaganda. I'm surprised people still fall for this shit.

True Detective season 3, for all its faults, did a better job conveying the tension between some old school Republican voting conservative black guy and his former hippy/Black Panther gf.

funny how pathetic the kkk is these days, they're just a bunch of retarded cumskin incel faggots that meet up and put on silly clothes and burn crosses in the middle of nowhere, bunch of fucking pussies

Meds time