Is Hayden dying? He looks sick

Is Hayden dying? He looks sick

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that means its working

Haydenbros it's over, he should have starred in one last good movie that's not Star Wars before hitting the wall.

He just looks like he’s in his 40s

haydens about the ciggie life

He's old and part italian. The part-part is the only thing keeping him from fully metamorphosing into a fucking raisin.

He's had a hard life.

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He was good in Life as House costarring as a disturbed teenage prostitute alongside Bill Gate's ex-wife Kevin Kline.


Drugs or alcohol probably.

I thought we were suppposed to age like I wine, I was supposed to lose my virginity at 40 and have all this 18 yo pussy chasing me them, it's the only thing that was keeping me going

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Living on death sticks?

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And his painful divorce, and having to regularly star in shit like this to pay the bills slowly killed him.

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Ewan still looks like a Chad 20 years later, barely changed. Hayden looks like he got hit with AIDS

Only if you work for it in your youth. Wine ages under specific circumstances, otherwise it becomes vinegar.


At this rate he'll look just like Anakin in RotJ in 9 years

He already does kek

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>A bunch of kissless neckbeards making fun of the guy who fucked Hershlag and Rachel Bilson

Kind of looks like my grandpa in photographs when he was younger. That manual labour look from working in the sun.

What living on a farm does to a mf.

he looks like mel gibson