I do not get it

I do not get it

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Women (sheep) want to become men (wolves) after watching Marvel movies

Wtf… Luna is a based antisemite now?!?!

>please don't repost
>Reposts anyway

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wowe cool it with the antisemetism not cool bruh

This fucking chink needs to take his fucking meds.

there's 0 subtlety in this but I still don't get it

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Are the wolves meant to be wypipo or blapipo?

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it still doesn't make sense since jews aren't featured in marvel or something
also "wolf city" what is that? Who wants to live in specifically jewish areas other than orthodox jews?

I think it's like this:
wolves: white people
sheep: south east asians, asians, minorities who idolize whiteness

I'm not sure whats going on in it.
Is it suppose to be pro-discrimination and anti diversity media propaganda?

I think the wolves are white people and the sheep are minorities? So the sheep working with the wolves are uncle toms? I really have no idea, usually Luna's comics are just kind of pathetic but this is schizo Garrison tier.

Films should follow the luna test

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This guy is all kinds of doolally

But why would Black Widow be a sheep too?

Did this dude really just make um some shit test and name it after himself?
Jesus Christ the fucking ego
At least name it something relevant to your test

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Yea, he also deludes himself that the culture of Filipinos in America have a distinct and recognizable identity as is true for Italian Americans, African Americans, etc.

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Notice how the sheep are moving to Wolf City. The sheep are Asian people that have been brainwashed by the news (The Daily Pro-Paw-Ganda, i.e. the white Western media) and marvel movies/hollywood (sheep female and dog male couple, i.e. WMAF). This brainwashing (the American dream) causes them to want to move to the USA(/West) and they do it, but they're killed (at least metaphorically) when they come to the USA. The white men "eat" the Asian (women) (has sex with them, i.e. Asian male genocide). Notice how "Can you believe we used to chase them?" is a reference to the Vietnam war and rape.

>it's okay to sexualise nonwhite men
>it's okay to portray nonwhite women as misogynistic or a threat

>let me live in your country crakkka
>actually your country sucks and is evil at its core
but why?

Knowing Luna it's it about americans profiting off asian brain drain

What the fuck is this one supposed to mean? Is it about offensive stereotyping? What the fuck kind of stereotype is batman of all characters?