If you bury box of belongings in a massive desert, is it normal for it to only be a few centimeters deep 10 years later?

If you bury box of belongings in a massive desert, is it normal for it to only be a few centimeters deep 10 years later?

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They didn't have the budget for a deeper hole.

imagine how much the landscape would have changed after ten years of wind and sandstorms

did he find it using the force?
like homing in on something that has great personal and jedi related vibes?
or was it just the writers being lazy thinking he cant have it buried 20ft outside his hidden cave?

He could sense it because of the crystals I think.

a wizard did it

What's in the box? What's in the box?

Don't sand dunes constantly shift and move with the wind? Wouldn't it have made a lot more sense to hide shit by a large rock structure, so you have a landmark and also so you aren't literally standing in the middle of no where with no cover while you do your secret business? Who the fuck wrote this shit.

>Who the fuck wrote this shit.

Anakin's legs.

It's not a documentary. It's fictional. You also don't get lightsabers in real life

At least they gave him a futuristic looking shovel, I guess. 2/10 for trying.

the same people who wrote the scene where the undercover jedi openly wears a lightsaber on his hip around impoverished outer-rimmers who would sell your skin for a quarter ration.

when is that one faggot gonna come in and start bitching about "another starwars thread"?

Of all the things to shit on in this series( and there are many) you pic this? have your doctor up your dosage of ritalin.

Attached: Buy-Ritalin-Online-without-prescription.jpg (2560x1292, 467.75K)

Where would he hide it? In his ass? It's not like people would see it under the cloak.

wow fuck, shit, its almost like real life is boring and over saturated with the same shit, lets NOT use our imaginations to enjoy some story telling.

>General Kenobi, you served my father in the clone wars
>you also rescued me as a child, but called yourself Ben
>for that reason I will name my children after you

oh i dunno, maybe under one of those 6 layers jedi wear?
and I, the viewer saw it multiple times, you cant tell me no one else could notice it.

Dunes "walk" but not everything is dunes in the desert. A flat area could potentially remain relatively undisturbed.

Sand doesn't fall from the sky mate

It's a show, of course they're going to show the viewer shit. I feel like people are just making shit up to hate on the show.

>camel with minimal CGI
Fuck you, where's my banthas?

>some inquisition nigga was able to find a connection between Leia and Obi-Wan in "archives"
>Leia doesn't remember Obi-Wan in OG trilogy
How will lorefags explain this?

>stop taking the show literally
fuck off

I dont think a simple meat man could afford a bantha, woulda been nice to see one with updated CGI though.

>Sand doesn't fall from the sky
What do you think 'Sand Storms' are, retard.

What is he making up? The only one doing massive mental gymnastics is you
Even in The Phantom Menace Qui Gon accidentally showing off his sabre was a plot point

look at the bible
a few people come up with a compelling fantasy story to explain away an unplanned child, people eat it up so more people keep adding to the story, not giving a shit about inconsistencies.
same shit, new era

I swear to god, It's like this shit is just coming out of a script writing AI that only has a small child's understanding of the world and how things act.

And no you absolute fucking faggot. I can already hear you typing ">wElL iTs FoR kIDs". Kids don't deserve to be treated like fucking idiots because the writers and producers are lazy pieces of shit. They deserve something where they can learn a little bit about how the world works, and gain from the experience, not just reinforcing the most infantile understanding of shit

You're talking about a franchise that has the same technology for thousands of years. Star Wars was always about Luke. The setting makes zero sense.

I don't know, Earth and Tatooine are different.

I got one better. How do these Disney simps explain how a literal nobody knows that Anikan is Vader. Since she works for Vader why has he not personally eviscerated her for that yet? Vader has killed people before for figuring that one out.

Based post, "it's for kids" faggots deserve to be crucified

They showed the lightsaber so the viewer knows that he has it. Just because the viewer saw it doesn't mean that people in the show saw it.

I've never thought starwars was for kids, not being a backpedaling faggot, i just legitimately see starwars as a coming of age genre at most, Jar-Jar, droids and all the toy pushing/lego is obviously for kids but i agree, if they aim to cater for sub 70IQ brainletts, the people who can actually digest and analyze a show as its unfolding are gonna be disappointed

>Vader has killed people before for figuring that one out.
Not canon.

Obi-Wan gonna jedi mind trick Leia into forgetting him or some shit

this is a train wreck in the making lads and the crash is coming around the corner, you've seen nothing yet

the viewer knows he has it because they saw him dig it out of a box, was he going to retrieve it, then stash it before going off world on a rescue mission?
its fucking obvious he would be keeping it on him, its just more spoon feeding for retards who either forget something they saw less that 20 minutes ago OR just milking the hype about him having a lightsaber. either way the scene is irrelevant
inb4 "stop making shit up to bitch about"

Couldn't Darth Vader also sense these things? His old lightsaber? His old master? His own son and daughter?

Luke could sense Han and Leia and Leia could sense Luke on Bespin. Vader could sense Luke when he was sneaking onto Endor.

Wow, Force sensing is powerful. Why didn't they feature it in the sequel trilogy?? When the Rebels are running away in TLJ, and the First Order keep hyperspace jumping right behind them, why did the writers invent a dumb hyperspace tracker machine, something never seen before in Star Wars, when they could have just had Kylo Ren using the Force to sense Leia's location? His own mother? Duh! of course he should be able to sense her! So much more dramatic tension that way. Especially when Leia is in a coma and the other Rebels figure out that he's still tracking her and are arguing over what to do and Admiral Holdo suggests ditching her in an escape pod, which provokes a mutiny.

Incredible. Who's even in charge of this chickenshit operation known as DisneyWars??

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>Leia doesn't remember Obi-Wan in OG trilogy
Help me Obi Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope.

Neither is Disney Newars. And the people that might say that the EU isn't canon aren't Star Wars fans anyway.

>coming of age

those are still kids.. hunger gaymez thats coming of age shit

Rey also senses the lightsaber in Force Awakens.

He should have stashed in some giant alien birds nest only he could get into because of his space wizard magic

Oh wait I'm retarded lol

lol, you're cool user. hat spoiler wasnt for you. It was for the brain dead shills that try to argue that being intellectually challenging to 2nd graders is a bad thing

>click thread with gay noodlenose monster thing
>lots of sand and retard constume
>posters complaining about unrealistic scenes
yep its a star wars thread

She also names her kid after him. Why would he do that if he didn't know who he was.

big disparity between lego aimed at 6+ and teen drama 14+

He force buried it.

the same people who subverted out expectations and made leia space walk, Asperger ridden femtroons + a few more buzzwords

If the idea was written, directed and greenlighted by incompetent/amateurish types, yes

yep its that faggot