Remember when this guy assblasted the entire star wars fanbase in 2017?

remember when this guy assblasted the entire star wars fanbase in 2017?

Attached: DrRcuYGU8AE4gg9.jpg (1200x1200, 207.43K)

yeah he killed the franchise

No cares anymore Rian. Go suck yourself off somewhere else.

I vaguely remember how he made an extremely low quality movie and then went on a months long mentally unstable temper tantrum about it, revealing in the process that he made it shit intentionally because he hated the source material...what was this loser's name again?

Werner Ziiieeegleeerr....

Oh fuck star wars. Seriously. Who cares?

he's so smug about it

It's one of the most pathetically destroyed franchises so he's not the only one to blame. It started in the 80s and 90s. There's no reason to be into Star Wars anymore.

Attached: hamill after tlj.webm (1920x1080, 1.8M)

I honestly can't tell if he actually thinks he made a good movie or if he's just taking the piss out of everyone. Based retard either way.


>rufuses to use pronouns in his twitter bio
He took the piss and got away with it.

Attached: rianpronouns.jpg (1956x1980, 699.29K)

JJ got to it first.

Ruin Johnstain

>when this guy assblasted the entire star wars fanbase
George Lucas did the same 20 years ago.
And 25 years ago.
And 42 years ago.
Johnson really needs to up his game if he wants to compete with that guy when it comes to triggering whiny manchildren.

incredible restraint on mark's part for not caving in his skull with a stanchion
how do these people not see their mental illness

It's funny when TLJ haters like yourself project their own immaturity on Hamiill.

The Last Jedi is the best Star Wars movie. Cope and seethe.

Really the only issue I have with the movie outside of the whole Canto Bight dogshit and Holdo keepings secrets for no reason was that he killed Luke
If he kept Luke alive for one more movie things would've worked out, instead everything felt so rushed

If he wanted to do crazy shit with the franchise I wish he would have just done it rather than spin wheels for 2 and a half hours doubling down on Abrams' bullshit and then leaving everything else for the next film for someone else to write.

Go back, Ryan.

literally all anyone was ever going to be able to get past Disney's brain trust.

it was salvageable then, but TLJ destroyed the "zealous" attachment to it