I don't get it

I don't get it

Attached: 1513633940723.webm (720x540, 2.33M)

Because you are massively retarded and don't touch grass.

she realized he can't possibly fit it inside her

I don't get it either please explain

She realised she has mother-bearing hips

NEED to fuck tink
she's just the right size

read a book sweaty

Definitely should have been a scene where Captain Hook hot-glues Tinkerbell

Attached: b620b024d86c736a6c4a7aa96a18741a.jpg (464x352, 29.73K)

/r/ on /toy/


oh my

Attached: tinkerbell.jpg (236x177, 11.69K)

bruh how is there no bootleg tinkerbell pocket pussy yet, shaped like her whole body

what does touch grass mean

Smoke weed

it's a trope turned overused zoomer meme where a character trying to reconnect with nature goes outside and walks through a field touching grass as they walk

>hips wider than shoulder span
Im gonna coom

What do you guys think of tinkerbell's casting in 2022?

Attached: maxresdefault462.jpg (1280x720, 104.59K)

>soft little fairy feet pitter pattering on my cock

>brown and bloom filters

No thats just what her skin looks like

I've genuinely never understood this scene either. Did she not realize that she's gotten older and has wide hips now? Was she not created that way? Is she thinking that she has a chance against Wendy because Wendy is still only a child? Is she upset that she's an "adult" and Peter Pan wants to remain a child forever? Does she think she's fat or something, according to outdated cultural mores about women being ideally thin as a beanpole?
I've never figured out what her facial expressions are supposed to convey here, and I'm being 100% honest.

Yes it's all subliminal messages. As with alot of hand drawn Disney pictures there are alot of sexual innuendos hidden to turn generations into degenerates. No explanation be needed as your imagination has already filled in the appropriate details.
