I did not care for Morbius

>i did not care for Morbius

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Literally no one liked it. This is not the kind of opinion you keep to yourself until you're on death's door.

it morbs upon itself

This nigga got morbed.

Have sex

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are all the morbius threads organic?

Get off Any Forums (the Morboard) right now you tourist nigger bitch cunt redditard.

Obviously not. It's a meme forced harder then Milhouse.

Is it just me or, does it seem like this Superhero fad is finally beginning to show signs of decline? I mean, Moon knight? Morbius? They're literally just slapping together random words now to produce new material. Let's make a few new ones: Leaf Man, Table Boy, Star Runner

You're using the meme wrong. Peter is giving an unpopular opinion.

They are grasping at straw to keep the machine running.

Those are terrible names

I'd rather watch Table Boy than Morbius.


I liked Stake out

...Star Runner sounds cool

I'm sure you would tranny

Table boy would be great if it’s an R-rated comedy about a superhero who has the urge to cum on tables daily. Make it that he can’t summon tables and instead needs to find tables to use his powers, then have him get locked in a room for six hours with no tables and have a schizo breakdown.

it does seem to be losing steam. companies like sony releasing dogshit, thanking the entire ship helps speed things up aswell. but the truth is people dont care about F list heros, they want captain america, spiderman, ironman, and wolverine. and most of them are gone now

I get to the scene where he's morbing out and I have no idea what going on anymore, I haven't even seen the ending