Is that.... some high schoolers wandering around a forest and filming random trees for 2 hours?? IM GOING INSANE!!!

>is that.... some high schoolers wandering around a forest and filming random trees for 2 hours?? IM GOING INSANE!!!

Did boomers really find this scary?

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If you pause it at a certain moment when they're running in the dark you can actually see the witch.

Yes, we did, we still do, we stand by it, and we are proud of it. And because we do, not only do we think we are better human beings than you, we ARE better human beings than you.

>high schoolers
you’ve never seen the actual movie have you faggot

>Did boomers really find this scary
I'm a zoomer and didn't find it that scary (nothing is when you grew up watching fuckers get beheaded online) but it was definitely a lil spooky

that found footage stuff was the shit back then


found footage is one of the worst movie genres in existence
it must have the lowest overall standard of quality of any, literally 99% of all found footage stuff is dogshit

>found footage is one of the worst movie genres in existence
Just because it's easy to make shitty found footage. FF is great when it's done well

it's alright i think. didn't watch many of them though. just saying that BWP is probably the first mainstream found footage film to have come out and normies were like "OMG THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENED" so the film was hyped as fuck

This is the only FF I've ever enjoyed because the premise is so fucked up and the serial killer actor was hamming it up gloriously in his stupid plague doctor mask

Attached: 1.jpg (1000x1369, 148.73K)

It was the first mainstream, or probably the first, found footage movie. Kids thought it was real and it scared the shit out of them. There was also a fake documentary released alongside it that people thought was also real.

You're retarded. No one thought that shit was real.

It genuinely gave me nightmares.

they did
based on a true story was still novel at the time

Big talk for someone born in the 2000s. Take it from someone alive at the time, people thought it was real or based on real footage.


>Did boomers really find this scary?
No but retarded teenage millenials did. Just watch. They will enter this thread in droves proclaiming the best horror movie ever.


I didn’t find it scary I just thought it was a neat idea with spooky elements

Millennial here. I actually never saw it when it was new; only just recently got around to it. Total shit. Not even because there's more "serious" horror films out now. It's bad by any standards.

The most popular, but the first is often given to Cannibal Holocaust. The modern one would The McPherson Tape. TBWP was the first movie to really use the power of the internet for marketing.

Millennial and no, it's not the best horror movie ever. It's extremely important, though, for putting FF on the map and the marketing for it was something not seen before. If I had to rate it as a movie, 5.5/10.