How do you feel about Hollywood setting unattainable, unnatural body standards for men?

How do you feel about Hollywood setting unattainable, unnatural body standards for men?

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i don't feel anything. why would i?

I don't care because I'm not a retard.

Based Christian telling it how it is. Cavill looks more natural. Chris just looks weird. Also mothers over 40 with kids as their profile pictures saying things like that. Amazing planet.

I wouldn't get laid even if women had reasonable standards, so them having unreasonable standards doesn't really have any impact on me.

Men aren't going to act like jealous, insecure cunts like women do. Strive to look as good, don't whine about it.

Woman here, I prefer Cavill

Makes me try harder

pearl clutching on Any Forums, lol

Don't care. If women want to find another way to make themselves into wine aunts with a dozen cats, that's just another reflection on how stupid they are.

Woman here, both of them are dyel

Luckily the standard that (legal) young women prefer is perfectly attainable

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>tfw girl in my college class I was talking to says the rock is natural

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Only gays care about how other dudes look

Get the female Hollywood look
>eat a salad
Get the male Hollywood look
>years of tren, dbol, pcts sapping your joints, tens of thousands of dollars in esters and protein, lose ten years off your lifespan, 40 if you go full piana

Just lift bro. Eat rice and chicken, bro.

The homosexuals prefer Cavil , the women soak their panties for Thor.


Yeah, tell that to my full blown gyno and belly fat that i have due to very low T levels. Huh, attainable? By what? Doing TRT. Thats the same logic as if id said that Hemsworth physique is perfectly attainable, now isnt it???

He has absolutely zero muscle definition. Nothing. Does he live in some kind of a pod where he doesn't use his limbs at all?

Cavill is most likely on TRT too, it's just Hemsworth has been on dbol and HGH for years and now his face is beginning to show it.

thor has nice hair
not into the exaggerated muscular body time though, gives me the creeps

>that i have due to very low T levels
im sure 100% thats the only thing holding you back, your diet and training is literally perfect

no one cares faggot, get gyno surgery and hop on TRT. stop complaining