Movies for losers? Anything...

Movies for losers? Anything? I feel like most loser movies ive watched doesnt really reflect reality and is too hollywoodey.

Attached: norwood scale.png (806x768, 81.87K)

Interesting pic because even loser characters wouldn't be presented this way any more. this - minus thorn crown - is what a basic, unheroic man looked like for 100 years. then gone completely

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>tfw Norwood 1 at 23
It’s over.

along the waterfront

Fat City

>Movies for losers?
Taxi driver, any ryan gosling movie, any movie that gets put into a "women will never understand" chart

just record your life bro

28 and still at I.
How long do I have?

Attached: 1649883139462.jpg (319x475, 119.53K)

>I on one side
>II on the other
>been this way for 6 years

I chad here at 28 - my dad is probably a II at 70 so I think i'll be fine

I've always been I. Hasn't changed in the past ten years. Could be worse.

Your dad's norwood status doesn't matter, you need to look at the men on your mother's side.

I was also at I when I was 28, it escalated rapidly soon after and now I'm III.

90% of men start balding to some degree after they turn 25. It's a natural reaction to testosterone production, and is indicative of a functional hormone system.

Guess what? They still manage to find wives and girlfriends, which is something losers obsessed with their looks don't.

Her dad was about a II when he died at 80 something - i'm blessed with good hair genes fortunately

Somewhat moving towards II at 21/22. How fucked am I? I don't think I'm gonna make it.

Are you a manlet?

Judge by your father/grandfathers, my father started thinning in his early to mid 40s and my mother's side grandfather still had a full head of hair when he died in his mid 50s so I should still have at least a good 10 to 15 years left.

If you have a lot of stress going on in your life though, you can expect your hair to go much sooner.

Sounds like you've lucked out.

I wish I inherited hair genes from my dad's side. My paternal grandpa has a thicker head of hair than most men half his age.

Maternal grandpa was bald. So I'm probably ngmi

I went to a III at 28 or so and was super depressed about it, but now I'm 39 and still at a III, which is fine. Better than most of my friends.

nah about 2cm shy of 6'.
I am obese though which is my downfall

I’m Norwood 5 at 19, how fucked am I bros?