ITT: Movies that women cant understand

ITT: Movies that women cant understand

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Women will never get the homoerotic undertones

Women don’t even understand the books.

women don't go to war, so you are correct
they'll never understand camaraderie

woman moment

Okay chud

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>tender male relationships
i didn't see any raping in the ass in the movies though

>tween girls
>in their 20s and 30s

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>you will never watch the entire extended series in one sitting with your gf
>I probably won’t experience that again either

>Women helped write the screenplays for the OG trilogy

bet the fat one self inserted as arwen

>He still think they're reporting facts and aren't advertising disguised as reporting.
Idk what's worse, the NYT having fallen this low or zoomers too retarded to see it as such.

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Based skim reader

Unironically Taxi Driver. Women just can't relate to Travis like guys can

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Normal humans can't in general, autismo

Pic unrelated? Women love LOTR

No, they don't. Your troons don't count.

Women also love Ferraris and Porsches, doesn't mean they understand them

you aren't meant to relate to him.

at least not until Schrader gets confused about what he's trying to accomplish and has him save Jodie Foster.

women love everything, it doesn't mean anything

>ah yes, my fantasy morality tale with mostly flat psychology, made-up languages and surrogates for Tolkien's children as the main characters is so high-brow and adult

fuck off lol

rent free

Calm down, Jenna