Why don't American men want to date anymore?

Why don't American men want to date anymore?

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It's no use, I once tried to date a black girl and she said she didn't want to date a white devil.
So I guess it's the same for americans

Black woman are the closest to having a legitimate Incel community because their the least sought after, they despise Black men. But when your competing with Whites and Asians, they’re the short end of the stick.

I stopped dating because I found it was a lot easier to just go to parties and fuck and cum inside hot passed out girls

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>the short end of the stick
yeah, my stick! (if you get my meaning)

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disgustingly ESL post.

They are the same as incels. They put black men( the same people who would go with a white woman over them) on a pedestal, and say black kings deserve the best. Literally Any Forums tier women

He gets it.

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why there's only kweens there?

>So umm.. you ladies gonna order something?

the USA is ESL

blatantly incorrect.

ok Hermano

They're a volcel community. Females can be volcels, but not incels.

>work from 1pm to 1am
>no car
>no education
>short and ugly
what's the point?

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No one wants black women. They the asian men of the female dating world

looks fake, clickbait

there isn't enough money in the world to get me to speak sp*nish.

This the only femcels are post-menopausal fat grannies with equally fat boomer husbands who no longer have enough libido to fuck them while imagining teens.

>work from 1pm to 1am
thats miserable, wtf is your work?

The vast majority of male incels are volcels by that metric. They could easily get disgusting pussy they just don't want to work on themselves to get something 4/10 or better.

>they’re all black women
This just proves that black women are the only only ones capable of being femcels

there's kind of an anomaly where women who are educated refuse to entertain relationships with men who are less educated, and so if she's not in any other way "a good catch" then she just stays single and gets fucked by non-committing guys

happens more and more as time goes on

what the fuck is a singles mixer

It's just an organized singles meetup

sounds like they never told any men about it
ive never heard of such a thing

Ehhh I remember a time where all this things said about black women affected me know I realize that none of this matters. Am I maturing or was my past self retarted