/stg/ stranger things general

Chrissy edition


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What's the catch?

They were actually cute together. I forgot that whedoning can be done right.

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She gets Freddy Kruegerd on the first episode.

Why's Will look so fucking down syndromed?

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I'm convinced his mom still cuts his hair and picks his clothes, or at least that's my headcanon for his Simple Jack look.


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why did the first episode set up so much lesbian subplot with vicki and then she was just never in it again.

because you needed to be reminded lesbians are represented in the show

The actress played her part perfectly. Really got me mad and wanting revenge for her.

Because this is netflix and 50% of characters have to be gay....just like how the city "Hawkins" in 1986 Indiana seems to be 50% black.

creepy teeth


>we could’ve got slow-building murder mystery plot with Chrissy that developed over the course of the season and made her into a more tragic and memorable character
>instead we get 4 other boring shitty subplots that takes up most of the screen time

>hey user let’s rent Fast Times tonight and masturbate to the nude scene together in bed okay?

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Would fall down the k-hole with this cutie

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>all the boring as fuck characters (mike and the byers) are grouped together

Why do you think that is? They gonna develop them all or kill them off

*heavy breathing*

My theory is that he likes Spiders and spiders feast by sucking their prey's innates dry.
Similar, Vecna does the same, and I think one of the characters mentioned it looked like the victim was sucked from inside out.
So the body distorting and wrapping is probably the Duffer idea of how it would look if someone's inside was sucked out violently.

Angela needs corrective rape.

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>why do you think that is
Really it’s just because the writers are terrible at their job and couldn’t think of anything important for them to do, so they just grouped them together

I'm sure that Duffers forgot about him the same way they forgot about Will's birthday

>never got to see will’s painting
take your bets lads is it
>upside down
>Homoerotic nude painting of mike

>upside down
The chances are low but still

It's a picture of his and all his friends D&D characters from season 1. Which they will find after he's either died or is once again trapped in the upside down as a hook for season 5.

So... there was no point to the Los Angeles move, right?

It’s not that the boring characters are grouped together in a storyline but rather a boring storyline makes the characters boring

Can any older anons here help confirm that there was not, in fact, a widely available and fully functional Internet, in 1986, on computers that looked like this?

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>ywn confess your love to her during a pep rally before the championship game

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Best ever

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Technically the inter protocol did exist in 1986 but the World Wide Web did not.

And that 14 year old girls were able to utilize them perfectly

The hard-hitting emotional monologue where Finn delivers his best performance ever is him calling Will a faggot for 5 minutes straight
Source: My dad works for Netflix

*internet protocol

It’s an anachronism that cannot be justified.

S1 >>> POWER GAP >>> S3 > S4 > S2


Is S2 the one where they inplied there were other kids with powers running around and never mentioned it again or did I imagine the whole thing?

>the end of the season is just 5 full minutes of gay bashing

has any autist gone into what started the chain of events that got people to have psychic powers, what began all of it.

What a bitch.

>would be cool if Will and 11 had scenes together since they both been traumatized by the underworld
>oh theyre moving together so finally we'll get to see them
>mfw i see what the writers actually did with them

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What was so good about S1? I barely remember it

Unironically looks to be true with the reveal that Vecna some gay sensitive kids

For me it’s
Episode 1 of season 4 featuring eddie and Chrissy >season 1>The rest of season 4>Power gap>season 3>power gap > season 2

Why the fuck does anyone even care about this supposedly huge and emotional monologue? Mike has done NOTHING this whole season

Would be quite kino and redeem his character desu

Do you guys think Chrissy was a virgin before she died?

they were a part of brenners experiments
but idk maybe theyre retconned out of existence now

001 had power on his own, like a mutant.
The other kids are his clones.

Eddie and Chrissy is gross. Chrissy belongs with Jason, not some Jew drug dealer

Hints are already there.
>Power of love beats 001
>Mike unable to say I love you
It is gonna be Mike saying I love you to Eleven during the final fight.
Elven replies I know

You are correct. It’s a terrible episode that the show runners have been trying to make you forget and even seem to have borderline retconned out. Which is the right call after that shitpile of an episode

Do you think Vecna broke her hymen before starting on her bones?

Because when he does it means it’d be for an important moment in this story

Not him but the suspenseful horror elements were much better than in 2 and 3 and each season introduced more and more cheesy shoehorned in 80s references. Season 1 Steve was a bully to Jonathan, season 2 Steve transformed into a good guy and season 3 Steve was just a complete joke of a character.

t Jason

Yes. He might have used a tentacle or two to penetrate her.

Omg more Leaks please

We will find out in season 5. The kids will discover an underworld portal that takes you back to the 1930s

Supposedly they made that episode to make some kind of spinoff show about 80s punks with superpowers, but Netflix declined. Really that’s the only explanation for the episode

Foegive me for being pedantic but I thought 'retcon' meant changed after the fact rather than ignored and forgotten. Or does the term work for either?

Everything was good. All the characters had something to do, all their motivations were intertwined and built up to a good finale, the tone was more serious and thus the horror elements were more visceral, the drama was more effective and the writing was very tight. Overall a great season. Everything after has either been mediocre or shit.

>Mike… I’m pregnant

Didn’t he already do that last season?