What are some good kinos to watch when you're tripping on Benadryl?

What are some good kinos to watch when you're tripping on Benadryl?

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Space Ghost Coast to Coast

>tripping on benedryl
enjoy feeling like absolute shit the next day

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It’s such a beautiful day by don hertzfeldtb I’ve banged 14 black women.

>High on benadryl

Enjoy that dementia

Enter the void by Gaspar Noé, I'd even argue it's the only proper way of viewing it

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just answer the fucking question mr bond
fucking scared straight larpers over here

I didn't realize that benadryl and zzzquil is the exact same shit up until a couple weeks ago

there are a lot of antihistamines with similar effects, some even stronger than benadryl

don't fall for this one OP, I viewed it on DMT because that's what the protagonist takes in it and I literally thought I was fucking dying throughout the whole thing

nature documentaries, doze off to the sound of a british pedophile talking about african wildlife.


>high on benadryl
classic teenager-with-no-weed-wants-to-disassociate drug
>watching a movie while high on a powerful psychedelic
well im glad you learned a lesson the hard way so others dont have to I suppose


You can get high on Benadryl?

Also I guess I would recommend the Beavis amd Butthead movie.

Say hibto hatman for me

Benadryl just makes me insanely groggy. Is feeling groggy what zoomers consider "tripping?"

me eyelids

Benadryl is linked to dementia


Something with lots of spiders

Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets

no one here is making it past 60 so who cares

Youtube videos of bugs. So, so many bugs.

I recommend Arachnophobia, 8 Legged Freaks, Charlotte's Web, Wild Wild West, or Big Ass Spider.

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