Origional leia was just a politician with guts who went on adventures and was just one of the guys...

origional leia was just a politician with guts who went on adventures and was just one of the guys. She was not perfect and would occasionally look foolish.

Now shes a prodigy child, a general, a jedi (with powers beyond what anyone else has, like surviving and flying in the vacuum of space). The series is now focusing more and more on Leia than Luke.

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star wars is shit

>The series is now focusing more and more on Leia than Luke

I wonder why. Her actress was a druggie and is dead. Meanwhile Hamill is still interested in Star Wars but they just keep shitting on him.

Women = amazing, chud, the p*triarchy is crumbling!

her skills really blew me away

She's pretty accurate for Leia. She's still reckless and making retarded decisions that are getting her into trouble that people have to get her out of.

Always has been

I bet you the writers will also make her HIGHLY opposed to people using spice.

Think about it.

>defend the popular thing

See if the spice wasn't a plot point later. That chick should have given kenobi deathsticks

They did the same thing with Anakin/Vader in the prequels. They should have stopped at Return of the Jedi. Everything since has been more stupid than the last.

The Force Is Female. It doesn't matter what your opinion on that statement is, the people in charge of the franchise have stated that as fact and they're going to continue to derail the brand to get that message through because retards will still consume anything. There's not going to be a good new piece of Star Wars media ever again. There's never going to be a new piece of Star Wars media made for anyone who isn't a far left white woman feminist. You're the idiot if you continue to watch the franchise thinking otherwise.

oh so you have access to viewership data that implies this is actually popular, being watched, etc?

i'd love to see it.

this is... a surprise for you?

She's been foolish for a whole episode now. Grow up user.

But then how would we get the Dunc audience?

>defend the popular thing to hate on Any Forums

You're just a normalfag who thinks Any Forums are your friends to fit in with by agreeing with the majority. Faggot sheep.

>show titled Obi Wan
>its about annoying child Leia
That's it, I'm out. I've had enough. Fuck Star Wars.

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What's the point on shilling little Leia if we already know she'll fail at everything?

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Cool it, user. They now think arrogance is meant to be a positive trait.

It's not though? She's with Kenobi now on her way home. Maybe they'll have another adventure before they get there but it's not her show.

her Force Speed powers are amazing I can’t wait for more

You're not fooling anyone Kathleen. Eat shit.

I dropped it when shaniqua appeared

>I can't and won't be optimistic about anything in my short life

Jesus, user. I bet breakfast tomorrow will be shit no matter what because you say so.

LOL they will keep using Leia. They're just using her a big as a kid but we'll certainly get The Adventures of Young Leia which will all be about her teenage years.

>show's title is the name of a beloved male character that's been around for years
>comes out in current year
>you're still surprised when it turns out to be a show about a bunch of secondary characters played by females and/or minorities who make the title character and any other beloved male characters look like idiots

Disney's only interest is attempting exploit the child market. Disney doesn't care about Star Wars fans. Children are exponentially more profitable because you can peddle them a whole bevvy of products.

Smart to use this actress at this age if true. If the goal is to groom this poor young girl to be Leia for the rest of her life until she dies of a drug overdose at 19 I wouldn't be surprised.

Shut up bitch. The prequels added a whole universe for Star Wars.

Notice how they made her look like Leia from TFA and not the OT

You didn't even watch it. Obi-wan's been a badass the whole way through and Leia has been pretty in character.

>Far left
Lmao get real, no woman is left of center

This reminds me in the Mandalorian which takes place closer to RotJ than the sequels someone randomly drops a reference to Canto Bight (that stupid casino planet from TLJ). It's like they are trying reinforce their own shit canon.

>Obi-wan's been a badass the whole way through and Leia has been pretty in character.
There have been some retarded writing choices like Obi-Wan's characterization shifts in the first episode.

Half of you guys haven't even seen it yet.

"SJW" or "Woke" (critical theories) occupy the far left socially, but not economically. They're as radical as communist are but about culture. Thus it's hard to place them anywhere.

It's all derived from French cynical post-modernist thinkers who rejected the enlightenment.

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>write dialogue for teenage, at the very least a preteen
>give it to a 7 year old
>7 year old has no idea what the fuck her lines mean because she's 7, as well as a bad actress, so the dialogue comes off extremely awkward and tone deaf
They just couldn't help themselves could they? I immediately knew the show would turn to absolute shit in that scene where Leia was talking to her cousin on that party and told him his parents hated him or something like that. I can see a 12 year old saying that, but not someone who's a borderline toddler. I won't even touch the "action" scenes with her because that would just be beating a dead horse.