Could you pass for a local in Poland?

could you pass for a local in Poland?

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just need to hit me head with a hammer a few times and I should be able to


I'm norf fc, so easily. The same way poles can blend in here up norf.

the norf phenotype is the peak of male masculinity

Daniel Craig would be the most polish looking man in Poland

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wtf didn't know lithuanian girls look like THAT

Damn, he could even be Polish president ;_;


No my parents are med and everyone was staring at me.


Receding hairline everywhere

According to Any Forums yes.

In real life wypipo think relatively often that I'm a Pole, so...

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i don't think so

Damn, Wałęsacore

They all have small eyes

Dumb bitch painted her flag upside down.


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Yes easily. I've been in Poland and I've been mistaken for polish many times especially when i went to restaurants with other foreign students.

no, I am too handsome to be mistaken for Polish

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