So theres this 12 year old iranian kid from canada im talking to and she's getting groomed by a fucking isis member who lives in iraq, i think i convinced her to give me her parents phone number(i will see in a bit if she'll give me or she said "be right back" and ran away), he got her into nasheeds and fucking beheading videos

if she isnt gonna give me their contacts and ran away wtf do i do? i only have her reddit account and know nothing else about her besides the fact she has been interrogated by canadian police and is on multiple watchlists

i not only need her to get urgent help i also need the isis member's phone number and location so that i can report him to the counter terrorism unit

give help please

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Other urls found in this thread:


>12 years are now on reddit

Dear god

That reminds me, she also had a tiktok account where she used to post but i convinced her to delete it, i can get her face

Please give me her reddit and tik tok, i'll help you convince her

Is she hot?

Why are you talking to 12-year-old Canadian girls? Just report it to the leaf police.

how are you all so nonchalant about this shit? it's a fucking kid getting groomed by ISIS dude, try to help or stfu

I don't know how to, and i wont report it before i talk to her parents at least


what I found

Whats the worst a loli can do? Either way its not my problem.

police probably wont do shit but it cant hurt to try telling them I guess

I'm serious. I am very super worried and anxious about this. Please post her accounts so we can get to helping.

they have already interrogated her and put her on a watchlist, she still can talk to the ISIS member meaning nothing changed

if i can get her parents number then i know i can change things, but she hasn't replied so it looks like i rushed things too fast, ill prolly have to settle with reporting to the canadian police/doing nothing

1. The girl is probably a 50 year old man
2. Why are you talking to 12 year olds in the first place
3. youtu.be/Kv4QdQ5Sb2o

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1- i have seen her face
2- she was tlaking about the isis member in a comment so i entered her PMs and asked her for the ISIS member's contact information, then she said they are friends and it evolved from here

she replied to me and gave me her father's reddit account, i am talking to him right now

hope this ends well

Cope and fuck off you ASSyrian loser. Stop messaging children on the internet.

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God bless you dude, a real man. I pray that she finds help and for the ISISpoo to get his ass fucked.

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that's me, retarded faggot. I'm not OP

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This concern-trolling is not fooling anyone. Fuck off.


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Why do I live rent free in everyone's mind?

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OP is a creep using le concern trolling to harass a child.

Just leaving this here


>i have seen her face
Wait, I thought you're saying this at face value, how come you've seen her face?

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She's 12. What risk does she actually have of making it to any ISIS groups?

How is that conversation going to go with the police? "I was talking to this 12 year old girl online, that I have no relation to, when I realized that she is being groomed". lmao

>12 year old iranian kid from canada im talking to

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Lmao. OP needs to be beheaded.

>So here I was minding my own business grooming a girl and then I found out another MENAtard has already started grooming her! Wtf!


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I wasnt talking to a 12 year old for no reason you fucking idiot, i saw a comment where she was telling her story and i entered trying to get the ISIS member's discord so that i get his number and report him to counter terrorism

ive seen her face from her tiktok which she deleted, some people dueted her and i can see her face now if i search her name