Is Latin American culture being wiped out and replaced with a Hispanicized black American culture via Puerto Rico?

Is Latin American culture being wiped out and replaced with a Hispanicized black American culture via Puerto Rico?

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puerto riqueños aren't black THOUGH

Cultures evolve retard

Not really. For hundreds of years Latino culture was heavily shaped by the contribution of Afro-descendants. Even in 99% white Argentina Tango can trace its origins to Afro-Argentineans.

Our culture died in 1910 when the commies hispanized the whole country and banned white trousers, sombrero, native languages, huipil and pulque

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Maybe some Latinxes, but a lot of Mexicans seem very dedicated to their tuba/accordion music. It's almost a symbol of rebellion and independence at this point for them. They are explicitly proud of the fact that their music is NOT influenced by modern pop music culture. Stuff like this:

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I wouldn't say specifically black culture but a lot of the american culture as a whole, faggotry, porn addiction, abortions, transgenderism, etc. modern reggaeton is full of it

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The actual force that is threatening Latino culture right now actually are elites adopting and spreading American-style pentacolism among the populace which is basically Christian wahabbism. These people hate everything that makes their countries and cultures unique and adopt US-style culture wars, LARPing as WASPs basically.

Kinda weird how polka music got so big in Mexico, lmao

>pulque was banned
biggest lie modern historians vomit, and I know about that because I have seen their bullshit historic revisionism live, like marimbas, in Honduras it is located the Mayan city of copan, the capital of arts and culture in the ancient Mayan culture, they have a representation of a marimba right in the middle of their musical plaza, with all the ornaments a marimba has, but you won't find any of that shit in kikepedia and "history" books from abroad, someone will probably destroy the sculpture one day to destroy the evidence and larp it as nigger culture

same thing happens with tango, it is clearly a derivation of balls musette, a french musical genre, french were the vast majority of people in Uruguay and Montevideo the biggest exponent of tango was french diaspora as well, Gardel, while the name is a derivate of the italian word tanguere which means playing something, which the other side, the Argentine side, was full of

There's no latino culture.

There was mexican culture , peruvian culture, etc.

But was sadly killed by all the postrevolution commies

They hated actual mexican culture and created fake indigenism to usurpate it and destroy it and create a fake charro/mariache stereotype

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Every culture in the world has been influenced by African American culture to some degree.
Every. Single. One.

Based commie chads

Its the same frijolero

I read that German/Czech waltz music and instruments became popular in Mexico because it was LOUD. Classical Spanish music used a lot of guitars/violins/flutes, but popular waltz music used big loud brass instruments. Bands in Mexico in the age before electricity could play on a platform on a hill and everyone in the valley below could hear them.

If you read up on the history of many elements of Latino cuisine and cultural elements it almost always starts as some working class/low class thing that was hated by the conservative criollos and the upper class of its time for being vulgar, quickly rose to popularity until it got part of the national identity. The same shit will happen to Reggeaton.

waltz is not polka

the texts should be the other way around

what about inuits

wtf are you talking about? europeans didn't usually eat amerindian food because of two reasons, a lot of the plants amerindians cultivated are family with poisonous plants and the europeans then thought they were poisonous as well, tomatoes, eggplants, and potatoes were breeded to loose their poison by amerindians, and the second reason is because amerindians usually have them real poison in the food, it is well known that if you go to a heavily amerindian place you shouldn't even drink the water they give you because they will "put a curse" on you with it, in other words add poison to the food

>He doesn't listen to Greenlandic rap

he is referring to the fact every country in the world has been invaded by american culture and american culture doesn't exist, it is all black american culture, rap, hiphop, jazz, rock, and all that stuff

You will never be Latinx