23 years old

>23 years old
>no life experience
>in my room all the time except when working/studying
>time is running out to start living my life
How common are these types of people in your country?

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Honestly if I was you I wouldve killed myself not even hating or anything but the day I wont have anything up to live for ill just hang myself

>>no life experience
What do you mean

Same except I'm 25

Start lifting, faggot

In Brazil only people from rich families can pull this off

I do retard, I'm still alone

Just stop being faggots and start living like a man

This but I'm 25 and still in my 2nd year of uni

people like you got 2 choices
learn how to socialize or start to watch vtubers
make your choice

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Maybe it would be better if I was born in Brazil, at least life would force me to live and struggle, I wouldn't be suffering alone, in comfort like I do here

Recommend some good vtubers.

you don't need a big daddy state forcing you to be a man, just grew a pair and actually do shit, if anything if you got money you got the opportunity to do shit someone that starves and struggles could never do, but yeah, it's kinda hard to getting this perspective if you have never faced hardships in your life

I'm not talking about the government forcing me to do stuff, I'm talking about economic factors, if I was born poor I'd have to endure hardship, which I have never done in my life because I have not had any

You don't need to be poor to challenge yourself, you can simply challenge yourself, just stop making excuses and do shit

my real life still hasnt started yet

>Comparing yourself to a virgin 32 year old
You still have considerable amount of time to turn things around.
In what exactly? Are you just a really dedicated college student that doesn't bother socializing but wants to feel special by saying you're a forever alone virgin? Sorry but people like you are a dime a dozen.
>time is running out to start living my life
I think you should wait until you're at least as old as pic related until you say something like that.
It's really fucking simple. Right now is your time to start grinding away at getting life experience. Yeah you might fail a lot at first, but if you keep trying, in 10 years time there's a plenty good chance that you'll have a successful career with a gf or even wife. Due to how young you are you are at a crossroads:
1. Continue to mope about like a faggot and do nothing
2. Put in the time and energy to improve your life
Up to you.

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Really common nowadays

>any difference

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I'm almost 34 and look like 15 years younger than him wtf

Me but 25 KHHV and working. Big advice from a fren if you ever start thinking about coping with alcohol DON'T. I've been drinking everyday for the past 2 and a half years now, mostly 5 to 6 beers daily. Still not fat, 63kg.