WHy dOnT aMeRiCaNs HaVe PuBliC tRaNsPoRt

wHy dOnT aMeRiCaNs HaVe PuBliC tRaNsPoRt

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I mean, yeah, right?

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Attached: China high speed rail.jpg (640x529, 66.38K)

Australia has better trains than you and they live in a shitty desert

There is a lot of public transport in that part of Europe. Every corner of Texas could easily be served by public transport. Maybe thats your point.

>just take public transport bro

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Attached: railroads.png (1080x1440, 1.64M)

>america used to have a strong railway network across its continent
>now its struggles with intercity public transportations
the time of the US has really come to an end though

In the us we value freedom which is why we all drive. Simple as.

dumb conclusion

Why don't you help those poor people suffering from social problems to make public transportation more safe? It has worked for other first world countries

hello Ieddit


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Why does the country being more spread out imply that public transport is not as good?

Ugh the good part of Europe

You don't have public transport inside your cities either

for a few reasons:
1) all of the states hate each other and can't agree to cooperate on a rail line.
2) we sat around with our thumbs up our asses while the automobile industry destroyed public transport and turned the country into a giant road
3) most Americans are drug addicts and need a private place to get their fix
4) cars make weak people feel more powerful than they are
5) getting on a train means you might have to make eye contact with a stranger which causes Americans to go into a full blown panic mode
6) ugly guys don't want their dinner date to see Chad on the train

So you don't have trams in your cities because your state is big?

I don't understand this post. You do know there's plenty of trains that cross national borders, right?

why are you typing like that? are you autistic?

I remember taking the subway as a kid in NYC. It smelled like piss and vomit and it was 120 degrees down there.

Not the freedom to use cheaper alternatives, and for the people to construct and fund their own transport options >though? Just the freedom to give £1000s to Goldstein and co. or not be able to go anywhere?

How do you europoors sleep with all the trains everywhere?

>freedom is when the government gives you trains and bugs to eat
WEF shill detected