Star trek strange new worlds is very enjoyable to me...

star trek strange new worlds is very enjoyable to me. Doesn't seem like a soulless remake but I know you guys already have some reason to hate it so give it to me straight.

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Literally nothing has come out this year and possibly the last five years that Any Forums hasn't found a reason to shit all over for some esoteric reason.

Even The Northman and Maverick - two movies that this board should be 110% behind - is getting hate based on the most random fucking shit.

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I unironically agree OP, star trek fans want a non-partisan science fiction serialized star trek. They finally get it, and they call it "woke". These people would whine about TNG being trans propaganda for the episode with the ambiguous race person who wants to overtly be feminine.

Haven't seen maverick yet but the northman is insanely good

Jews don't control some of the media, they control all the media. Of course it can all be bad.

I absolutely hate woke shit but outside of the "this nigger is so smart" scene its really not bad.

TV is dead. Commander Data is right, that form of entertainment won't last much past 2040

Again, I agree! The worst part of SNW is the bizarre rushed writing and underbaked science fiction concepts. Wokeness is quite literally the least of this shows problems

Thought they explained the solution really well last episode. Also NUhura was hilarious stupid.

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so where's kirk?

Is it better than the previous dogshit series with nigresses, mushroom drives and other insane fuckery?

Too many coloured shitters on the crew

Coming next season, but not permanently taking over (yet).

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havent had time to watch it yet, i hope its better than last weeks tng s1-tier episode

yes, and no severed infant heads either!

It's better, butthat's not much of an accomplishment with STD and Picard as comparison.

I'd say it's stronger than ENT in terms of engagement but not as comfy.

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star trek fans whining over STD and Picard dont also get to whine about SNW when SNW is overtly attempting to course correct. You cant have your cake and eat it too

>Rated TV-MA


this is the single most accurate review of SNW that will ever exist

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>not constrained by television broadcasting standards necessarily means the show has nonstop swearing and gay anal sex

maybe watch it first before looking this retarded

It's literally Uhura though. This is her established character and we're seeing her introduce herself/her qualifications to the crew for the first time.

ENT was shot on film with early 2000s lighting, it's hard to beat that.