
How is a (supposedly) White and First World country so shit at making films and tv shows?

Attached: Flag-Australia.jpg (800x400, 48.88K)

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I have some great ideas, but government funding depends all of these criteria on what you can and can't make, what it has to include etc, so that's pretty limiting

I'll field that one.

>morons vote in a literal weasel in 1995
>ausfags get cuckolded by two special forces soldiers pretending to be a "schizophrenic surfer" in 1996
>"hey, let's hand over our guns!" later that year
>strayans are now becoming increasingly powerless due to their stupid fucking gullibility
>"lil' johnny" proceeds to bend them over and give them a big old fucking over the next 11 years
>the public education system becomes a mess
>the aged care system becomes a mess
>the mental health system becomes a mess
>many farmers who faced the worst drought in Australia's history, commit suicide because the government withdrew subsidies needed to help get them through it
>opposition government is voted in
>they're no better
>2013, the most hilariously-inept "leader" in the history of the world is voted in
>he's an ex-boxer
>he stutters in public
>his programming is often glitchy
>he's broken promise after promise
>there are still strayans who defend him
>he's now been replaced by literally GOLDMAN SACHS: The Prime Minister
>the mining exports will eventually make Australia a "third world" nation within 50 years
>mfw all Australians are absolutely fucking retarded and deserve to go the way of another totalitarian state, that being England

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They make up for it with all the actors they export

It used to be alright but the industry got fucked over here for some reason.

I guess it's fair enough that Americans don't understand, because they're drenched in it from birth, that "films and tv shows" are not something that's part of nature. They don't just happen to be there. Nor are they a human activity going back through the ages. Films and TV shows are something that a country starts off not having, not making, and then when Jews come to that country, jews start making those things. There is only the most minimal exceptions to this rule, e.g. Japan, though is was enraptured with the USA.
The more jews in a country the more films. USA first, then Europe - France is prolific and it's all jews. Australia has jews and they're the ones who make our tv, radio and films. But we don't have as many as USA. Simple

the internet killed any attempt at australia trying to differentiate itself
now people only watch american shows, only listen to american music and care more about american politics than our own

Based Jews making kino
No wonder Any Forumstards hate them so much, they just want it discuss politics on Any Forums all the time

At least they gave us BIG ABO COCK kino

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aus government literally banned making films until the 70s. policy regarding film production has been all over the place due to shifting governments. whenever a good actor/director/producer/etc. manages to make a name for themself they go to hollywood
documentary on exactly this

>that being England
>implying Scotland and Wales aren't in a far worse state than England
Nice try Paddy O'Shaughnessy

rampant anti intellectualism

cultural cringe is a big factor for sure. if it's too thoughtful some yobbo will call you an artsy poofter

>The more jews in a country the more films.
>Literally the makes the most movies in the world including kino like Malhari and RRR
No excuse Bruce

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So much good stuff doesn't get made here because it doesn't tick boxes

So do they basically want every single movie to be an Australia tourism advertisement, or is there something else to it?

Mr inbetween is probably the best new crime series since BB

Because Australians are African tier smart.

It's more about outsiders trying to replace the white population with mass immigration.

surprised they could make something so good despite all the hoops to jump through. maybe they'll shoehorn some tourist ad style footage of the outback in later seasons, maybe something about abos and gay rights

What are the downsides to living in Australia?


testing ground for NWO poz

what does any of this shit have to do with making films and tv shows

>Extremely expensive
>Unsustainable levels of immigration
>Very corrupt and inefficient government (though it was recently replaced)
>Dead end resource exporting economy
>People are dumb as fuck

>though it was recently replaced
Labcucks and Libshits are the exact same flavour of moderate leftism that are lockstep on virtually every issue

noguns + importing nogs

Australians aren't very bright.

it's expensive to film here in general kills any private interest so the only things that get made have to have government funding

The worsening effects of climate change.
The rail transport.
The fact your country is one huge inhabitable shithole and you have no other choice but to live nearby the Victoria/NSW metropolises.