MC is a literal chud

>MC is a literal chud
>non white characters keep getting dabbed on

Why hasn't Cobra Kai been cancelled yet?

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Fuck off

Nogs can't do karate

>literal lead character is a zoomer named Xolo Maridueña

just say you want more token blacks. we all know that's what this is.

They don't know what that word means

>journos demand

The Chozen fella is probably gonna be a main character next season. That balances the scales a little.

See now Jannies are gonna think this is too black and get mad

>ignore our modern day religious fanatics and their demands that you don't commit heresy
>stand an actual chance of creating a culturally relevant work
If you look at everything from the past ten years that people actually like, you wouldn't know that the entertainment industry had been trying to shove a nonstop torrent of wokeshit down our throats.

Are they trying to say that Ralph Macchio is White?

For them more diversity=less whites as possible

>Christian Toto
Is there an early life section for shitty journos

East Asians are literally white, chud

Diversity of background > Diversity of skin colour

Imagine being a chud in current year...

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Toto is actually mocking the LA Times. He writes for the Daily Wire. Though probably also jewish.

Notice how almost no one complains about the diversity in Cobra Kai? Maybe if the content isn’t total AIDS/GRIDS and the diversity makes sense contextually then no one will be annoyed by it

What shows are too black?

>Journos demand more diversity so everything must be changed CHUDS!
On the subject of journalists: Can these people even really be called that? They only seek information that benefits their beliefs and actively try silencing opinions opposite to theirs. They vehemently work against free speech and for the institutions they should actually be investigating instead of defending 24/7, how can they call themselves journalists?


kill all journalists

I don't like how they made them Ecuadorians when the actors aren't where's MY REPRESENTATION

Sounds like a journalist to me