I liked it

I liked it.

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Disappointed that they didn't do "haha ET because Speilberg"

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I did, too.

Me too

Attached: Queen of HUGE FUCKING CAT TATZ.webm (1280x532, 2.93M)

I thought it was great and had a good message

>VR world with total immersion
>not just furry shemales fucking each other all day every day

the book or the movie?
cause the movie left out the sex doll

I just watched it. Had it as background noise but started watching it. It was alright i think I'll show it to my nephews tomorrow. That girl was not ugly in any capacity and that was fucking retarded. Also is she the dying girl from me, earl movie? She got chunky. Cute chunky. She was petite in that and thoroughbreds

unironically one of the most watchable movies that exists.

it's my favorite movie

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>all that gaming online with no lag
>all of his friends online just happen to live within 40 miles of him
>the resistance just so happens to be in the same city he resides in
These are just a few of the things that kept me from fully enjoying the movie. Everyone playing and no one lagging is what really took it away though.

That movie was an excuse for furries.

it's the fucking future faggot, and what you're describing are coincidences, not contrivances

them tits tho

the Gundam part was kino.

>start playing 2600
Of course it's the fucking adventure egg, why didn't they try it first for fucks sake
>Heh, bit only the protag and author would know such a thing *tips*

Reminds me when Trump said not many people knew Lincoln was republican.

the protagonist was the only one who gets Halladay, that's the entire schtick, he nolifed all the popculture surrounding the dude like it was his religion, he thought like him, and he solved most of the eastereggs and won the contest

Girl in the movie was very cute and not ugly.
Had my eye on this outfit, might buy it just to sniff it. ebay.com/itm/394083054208?

They predicted the great reset.