Growing up and living in this country gave me permanent PTSD and paranoia

Growing up and living in this country gave me permanent PTSD and paranoia

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why though

Nothing happens in your cunt how could you get PTSD?

he thought he was white all his life but some days ago he was able to buy a mirror and realized he is la creatura mapuche

A psychological torture type of hell

argentina has a lot of wogs like italians and spaniards, it must be traumatic to live among such an evil kind


Before I entered the thread I was expecting an american or argentine flag, and I was right
I understand you bro

Us two, we are like kindred spirits, cursed by the gods...

actually, we whites ( nordicks) are asiatic races, therefore, a amerindian mapuche is whiter than a semitic italian.

Somebody's mad

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I was watching a video about an argentinian city with 50% poverty and lots of them are just eating garbage. there was no electricity and running water and shit.

damn, I am so sorry for insulting you in the past.

not white

Not OP but it's well deserved. This country and its people deserve to suffer

>brownentinian browshit boliguayans starving
Nothing wrong with that.

>la creatura mapuche

>Quoted By:
>We are masochists. We complain about this country but never do anything to fix it. We hate our politicians but we never stand up to them.
>We hate this country but we refuse to leave, many of us who have EU passports just have it to flaunt it and mockingly show it to other latinx.

99% of the people here deserve to suffer indifferently of their race

no different from some indigenous community of alcoholics in the northern canadian tundra. We all got problems lad, be quiet

Are you an albino having people try and drink your blood?
The fuck are you talking about?

>when you parents move to chile but then you live in chile

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You have it ez.