Nihilism is... LE BAD!

>nihilism is... LE BAD!
Uhhh, based?

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I was hoping they would have a better resolution than the "power of love". As nice as that sentiment might be it doesn't really answer the idea of nihilism.

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I'm so glad I didn't watch a trailer for this before I saw it in theater
I get why tv hates some of the things in it but by god I couldn't have been more entertained

It's literally the only possible answer to nihilism

honestly happy to see so little discussion of it on here. really enjoyed it. had some weaker bits but honestly just a great movie

I want to fuck the fat Asian girl.

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eastern shitlosophy is circular logic, boils down to all is vanity implying vanity is bad so do vanity without being conscious of doing vanity

but then you realize the absurdity of these word games and pedophile guys in robes

Movie was nice enough. probably 40 mins too long

What are you even talking about. That clearly has nothing to do with the message of the movie.

Nietzsche said the same thing 150 years ago.

Only the Trinitarian God of Christianity overcomes the false dialectics that all other religions and philosophies fall into.

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Am I the only one that gets horny from 5/10 asian girls?

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i never watched it sorry

I don't know what this is about but A24 sucks and the name sounds reddit

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The nihilism is just for trannies.


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>God is uh.... Trinitarian!
>Can't even explain what a holy spirit is

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It was a journey through the crisis of existential nihilism to reach Nietzschen optimistic nihilism. Jobu was a typical shitposting user with cheats enabled, and Evelyn helped her through the last gauntlet of her crisis to [find “Joy” once more and] both become a form of Übermench.

>missing the entire point
Any Forums at it's finest.

Meant to reply to

Actually all of this has been explained. Read Maximus the Confessor for detailed robust Christian metaphysics. It is irrefutable.

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If there existed such a thing as irrefutable christian metaphysics they wouldn't have spent the 1000+ years following christ's death murdering and mutilating eachother for disagreeing on the basics

Asians are the human equivalent of nihilism though.