What are Chip and Dale's fetishes?

What are Chip and Dale's fetishes?

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They dont eat whale

Based on the movie


Any Forums
>fuck disney!
also Any Forums
>watches latest disney movie and tv streaming show (star wars)

dale is into human anal vore

apparently their fetish is making movies with drugs references and guns but without the homos trannies and diversity sermons.

>fuck disney!

Only edge-lord teens and contrarians would ever dream of saying that. Granted that is probably 60% of the people on Any Forums but it's not everyone's view and is one associated with low quality posts.

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Being cucked by insects

getting repeating digits at the end of their post

Describe your conclusions with detail, please.

No, you're just a manchild that gets entertained by children's films.

This isn’t Chip and Dale, some Jews stole their likeness and got plastic surgery to look like them.

Imagine not being aware that Disney ALWAYS puts "something for the dads" in their films. Imagine thinking that Disney Princesses are slim and have massive tits, just by coincidence.

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He's Seth Rogan

>Seth Rogan

they're both rapists

based retard


Dale looks like a lingerie chad


are you pretending to be retarded

Ummmm based?