Why are white Americans so good looking? My theory is it's the natural selection of ambition and genetic diversity...

Why are white Americans so good looking? My theory is it's the natural selection of ambition and genetic diversity, let me explain.

The people that chose to take the risk to start a new life in the US were the most ambitious and hard working but the lazy, fearful and content stayed at home in Europe. This assured the US had lots of good genetics, hence natural selection.

Next genetic diversity, in Europe most people just had kids with people in their own country or who could speak the same language but the US took in people from all over Europe and had them speaking English so they had Anglos mixing with Swedes mixing with Germans etc. and that is why they look so good.

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Have sex

They aren't particularly good looking brits are just ugly

evolutionary selected to take BBC

Evolutionary selected to take BWC.

nah they are far better looking that most continentals except meds who are again very genetically diverse.

evolutionarily selected to

they're exposed to BBC

>so good looking?

Are they? I've noticed they tend to look older than they are in most cases.

Germanics excluding anglos look better than them

>The people that chose to take the risk to start a new life in the US were the most ambitious and hard working but the lazy, fearful and content stayed at home in Europe
The americans keep shilling this yet it's obvious that the talented, ambitious and hard working had no problem getting successful in Europe, where the competition was. Undesirables and mediocres were forced to leave and some managed to prosper because the americas were an easy mode virgin land (yet many failed). Many of the actually successful ones returned to Europe.

Lol, no mate Germans are all box heads and their women have jaws like boat anchors, dutch and nordics all have bodies like slender man and thin hair you just like them because they're pale.

>talented, ambitious and hard working had no problem getting successful in Europe
>had no problem getting successful in Europe

>getting success in communist europe

citation needed

Having visited Britain, I can conclude we look identical

>communist europe
>colonial age

hes referring to the 17/1800s which he is right for the most part although now all the most ambitious people move to the us because that us where you can make the most money and have the best standard of living.

white Americans are mutts of all Euro ancestries, thus creating an "average" European face, and average faces are considered more attractive.

i dunno, catholic europe reminds communist party the most probably

Anglos are pale. Dutch and Nords are significantly better looking than Americans. They have silk-like hair.

Yeah when the sun shines on it your can see their scalp through their pony tail

I don't agree with this practically
If you mean when Americans take care of themselves, maybe.

Can I get a source?

Catholics were persecuted in england. Catholic kingdoms like France, Spain and Portugal sent their literal worst to the americas on purpose and specifically Spain punished those who stayed in the americas with their sons being considered subhuman so no successful sane spaniard would remain there if allowed to return.

yeah i should have specified

>while thin and dressed properly

no you can't

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bro i dont care just post more tits

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Thing is, a lot of the people who wound up in North America didn’t have much of a choice. Many were impoverished indentured servants or even convicts

I think it might be because to be thin and dressed properly in the USA you need to be of a higher social strata than in other countries, as doing so is a conscious decision rather than a default like it is in England. Anyway I don't think either country has significantly better looking peoples.

That's what I'm saying. This brit is right and successful people have been moving to the USA since the past century but historically those who went to the New World were the rejects, the losers and the unadapted psychos.

Most people that left to the colonies and the US were lower middle class to middle class, it's why so many fucking Irish and Scottish bailed as soon as they got some money.

If you had an established trade and career in England, why would you leave? Why would you stop being a lawyer or an engineer to fuck off to be a farmer in Taranaki or a day laborer in Wellington?

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I want to wear those arse cheeks like ear muffs and suck on her bumhole until I die of ecoli

simple as