Orson Welles dead:

Orson Welles dead:
latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1985-10-11-mn-17023-story.html#:~:text=Welles was an enthusiastic eater,dropped about 60 pounds recently.

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I didn’t even know he was sick..

>Action, please Orson

I'm a huge Orson Welles.

literally who

>look it up
>it’s real

sticky uhh

didn't even know he existed

pouring out several gallons of paul mason

Did he get to see Morbius before he died?


Thank you for Transformers The Movie.

>could not give less of a shit
>half-assed the whole thing
>still turned in probably the best performance despite slurring his way through the script

Attached: Fakery is what this is.png (1042x1056, 1.53M)

He isn't doing anything?

Monkeyvax claims another. Fuck you Gates

>no sticky

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>Oct. 11, 1985 12 AM PT
Fucking time travelers internet didn't exist back then.

>still isn't stickied
wtf has happened to this place

Now watch all the directors who wouldn't help him in life claim him as a mentor in death
Notice how Spielberg could buy the sled from Kane but couldn't help him get a film made

Damn it! How am I supposed to know what brand of frozen peas to buy now? I'm going to STARVE!

Blessed image