Fucking hate british humor so much bros

fucking hate british humor so much bros

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I’m looking for a gift for my aunt

*British humour

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I fucking hade the british so much bros.

I like it.

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Rent free

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British humour making Americans seethe will never fail to make me chuckle.

Well did he go through with it?

Got no bants have ya, cunt?

Of course not, libruls are disingenuous cowards

There's literally nothing wrong with the Carry On films.

Attached: Carry On Girls Margaret Nolan.webm (634x360, 2.97M)

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Iconic moments in tv and film

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dumb frogposter

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So what is it?

Attached: so what is it.webm (576x432, 448.93K)

Why do americans keep trying bros? At what point will they realise that they can't comprehend, let alone recreate British culture in the same way?

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Americans keep adapting British comedy. Brits keep adapting American gameshows.

I have never laughed at American shows
I have never laughed at my own countries shows
I laugh from British shows

Bongs just do comedy better, sometimes I never understood it but then something happens and you dwell on it and realize it just makes it funnier

but most of the humor is relatable but at the same time different

>be british retard
>turn on the "telly"
>see the whitest brit, mr bean
>laugh till you shit and cum your pants

>be ameriburger
>turn on the TV
>too distracted to watch it because the local blacks are having another 'firey but peaceful' protest outside
>can't even get my daily big mac because the McDonald's has already been shot up by the local incel

Rowan is one the most politically based actors/commedians/celebs in not just the land of Bong but the entire Western world.

unironically based

>be london bong
>start walking outside bc can't afford car
>arrested for not being muslim

The day today
Brass eye
Nathan barley

They're too clever for you.

I'm biased as an Australian but the brits solved tv and comedy. So many funny shows, movies and comedians.

He would beat you up,take a piss on you and then fuck your gf because he feels like it.And I mean the actor,the character could do much worse.I also love how you frogbitches just treat this place like facebook

Peep Show and Toast of London are great

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I just hate the british in general. They're basically all niggers or literal trailer park trash