All western states in the US are eternally cucked by the federal government

>all western states in the US are eternally cucked by the federal government
Why is no one talking about this? they basically have no control over any of the blue land on the map.

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yes!!! they should sell all those national parks and nature reserves to big real estate to convert into cozy McSuburbia.

Schlomo pls

Anyone can use federally owned land THOUGH, for things like camping, skeet shooting, hiking etc. In states where the land is almost all privately owned like in Texas it fucking sucks.

yeah, but not the states, they can't collect taxes from them.
this is all fine and dandy until you realize that not all US federal land is used for parks and nature reserves, federal land in nevada was used for nuclear research and they literally threw nukes into the southern part of the state.

That's not blue.

You fucking jew motherfucker, get your greedy hands off those lands.

there are parts of the southwest that humans couldn't live in, they'd have to be in expensive air conditioned domes to protect them from the heat.

Federal land is the best part about the west, it's amazing.

Only 49% of the entire 13 western US states are federally owned, altogether. Most of the remaining percentage is private or state trust land (land that can become private). Well balanced.

FDR illegally seized giant chunks of land in the West.

You cannot just walk into federal land and start shooting as you please.

You actually can in most states.

wtf that's tyranny

80% of this land is worthless desert. Feds were able to scoop it up for cheap because nobody else wanted it

I mean it depends which part of the fed owns it.

Attached: Federal-Lands-United-States-Map.jpg (2781x1845, 556.03K)

lol you're so dumb

He's a dumbass and wrong. Even in states with season fire restrictions like AZ and NM during a wet monsoon like right now the restrictions are dropped and you can literally walk/drive into a national forest off the highway and set up a target a couple hundred yards downrange and just start shooting.

No people live in the blue spots. Literally zero humans

Woah, a Jew caring about tax revenue instead of the public good. Without taxes how is money going to be donated to Israel? Truly a holocaust

or the grey ones either lol

federal taxes go foreign aid, not state taxes, so its actually the opposite.

oh that's chill then

>he doesn't equate the public good with how much money you hand out to thieving bureaucrats your every waking moment
Oh oh, we've got a conscious one! Send him straight to the re-education camp

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Thank you for telling me about my country, Jew. I'm sure you'd try to steal every penny you could