Is this his worst film?

The acting is fucking atrocious compared to all his other films. One thing that always made his films work was fantastic actors. This felt like a college project.

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It’s his last honest film until OUATIH. Django, Basterds and especially Hateful 8 are all worse. That said it’s the worst of his major films up until that point.

I agree all three of those films suck dick, but they have good actors and performances.

>This felt like a college project
you're starting to get it a little

Saddest ending to a movie that there ever done did was.

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I like it up until after he kills the girls with his car. Then the car chase goes on so long it gets boring. Should have had him pick up a hitchhiker and killed her with his car or something to keep the whole murderer thing going.

Um.. I'm fine with it feeling that way.. but it can't be actual shit too.

The great Tarantino filter.

That's jackie brown.

The car chase was good but then it's ruined right at the end by that cheesy bullshit.

i get what he was trying to do here, but kurt russell was such a good villain it felt like a waste to make him into a pussy in his final moments

Yeah he's the only good thing about it.

Tarantino knew that the film would always be attached to Planet Terror. So he simply grabbed his worst script and lazily wrote in a manic killer. He didn't want to share billing with Robert so didn't put any effort into making a watchable film.

I thought RR was his friend lol

You've never seen the movie #Horror have you?

It's actually his best film. Made at a low point in his life where he knew he was getting old and thought he was going to die alone. Had been rejected by both Uma and Zoe. Zoomer girls who looked up to him didn't know anything about the movies he loved and didn't find him attractive. Had been publicly humiliated by some blogger who let him suck her toes and said he had a tiny dick. Wrote a movie about how angry he was at women but knowing that despite his success he was still a loser and has his stand in get murdered at the end. Love this movie.

I'm sure he is, but you know QT considers himself a better film maker. He dosen't want to share the spotlight.

Its definitely his "worse" but I like to feel he made this movie solely to have one last "fun" film experience. Really relaxed without studios bitching at him and had tons of hot chicks around him. Its his midlife crisis movie and I like it for that

nvm I thought you said THE worst film

one of his best films desu

people get lazy during their midlif crisis? lol