Would you like to take a sex tour of Southeast Asia?

Would you like to take a sex tour of Southeast Asia?

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how could some folks talk of prostitution like some ordinary stuff. my entire family would be disgraced if i ever got found out using those services

same here

come home jomon man

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Incel motherfucker from the South spotted

>Would you like to take a sex tour of Southeast Asia?

pic related

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It's the same every countries.

not a christcuck or an atheist but go off faggot

have some self respect nigger

>Would you like AIDS, monkeypox and evey STD under the sun?
No, not particularly


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I would like to take my pick of a virgin girl from the countryside for the grand sum of 500 USD, but not fuck any of the diseased whores.

spotted the virgin keke

Come to Indonesia We have everything from local people, Chinese, Eastern European and South African

In the Netherlands you can't really "disgrace your family". That doesn't exist.


You only need $100 to have a good time.

Not in the west. Not that I've been doing it, but if I were to shag hookers, and tell my family about it, they'd just be like: o rlly?
And then we continue to feast on our flæskesteg.

Southeast Asians have a much higher sense of chastity than the Japanese.

Yes, but you see I want to own her.

I think if drunk students fuck some prostitute nobody would be surprised. It's considered a bit pathetic, and girls will certainly look down on it, but nothing more. Although people would be worried about STD's.

If an old man does it, he's a dirty old man.

It's like mythology. bro

That's too bad

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wish filipinas looked like that

You sound like a missionary, no one cares if we use that shit. The only reason it stopped was because of covid.

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Filipino women are either gorillas or whites

Everything has a price. Offer enough money and she will be yours.


don't project your degeneracy on me faggot, go catch monkeypox and nigger aids

literally looks like an underage girl

Yeah but definitely not in Thailand

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People brought up in a libertarian culture.


I heard it was a go-go bar in Thailand.