What would you make in your country if I gave you a bunch of eggs?

what would you make in your country if I gave you a bunch of eggs?

Attached: uncover-hidden-egg-ingredients-1324275-primary-recirc-3cf777cca7044ee1992cc0a27d6449fa.jpg (2880x1620, 693.53K)

a mess

a mess

an omelet

The mother of all omelettes

Breakfast burrito

Tapioca pancakes for breakfast

are you my clone?

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Crack them all into a blender, blend on high for 60 seconds, pour into a cup and chug

based and omelettepilled

But I am not a girl lying passed out in the street

flourless chocolate torte

Doesn't matter, you HAVE to eat them

I would make fried chicken, a frittata, a cake, the icing for that cake, and if I had any remaining egg whites I could potentially make some ice cream.

...all of the eggs?

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pancakes. if you gave me the other things I need as well

My mom made "leche asada" today. I have no idea how many eggs she used


Eggs scrambled with fried tortillas and hot dog weenies

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I can make a pretty good omelette