Obi-wan kenobi debuts in 1 hour

now thats a name ive not heard in a long time.

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hello there

shit posters always stay on topic to hide their numbers

3am EST?
12:00am PST?
4 Hours from now?

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maybe ill stay awake as an excuse to have another drink



>stranger things and obi at the same time
Schizos who cry about LE SHILLS are gonna freak
I’m so excited bros

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Obi-wan can suck my dong

why do i get the feeling you're going to be the death of me

>wtf why is everyone talking about stranger things and star wars

Another happy landing

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I can't wait.

>dey almost be here

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Will and she was a good friend be in it?

it debuts early retard. 9pm PT

Filoni fags will have to defend this

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youre redeemed

Disney Social Media Moms will defend this

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if someone in this show is a reference to starkiller in anyway to half ass him into canon im officaially done with star wars

I will watch it because I'm a prequel fag, but goddamn I hope this sheboon is actually a good actress and not scream shit every other sentence.

You don't want Starkiller to be canon?

inb4 the whole show is sheboon instead of Kenobi, and then Kenobi is humiliated by a woman

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They're literally doing damage control ahead of time because of how bad this is going to be

I hope she's not as bad as I'm expecting. She seems like a nice lady from what I've seen on the press tour.

We refuse.

Starkiller is 10000000000x more interesting in Disney canon so far bro.

The first couple episodes will be Owen humiliating Kenobi with constant one liners about how he fucked up with his brother in law and nephew.

You're probably right.

I honestly cant tell if youre memeing me

Name one thing in nuwars that didn't make you want to kill yourself.

im not paying for disney plus

anyone know a way of the force to watch this shit


The Forced Unleashed cutscene movie is vastly superiour to anything Disney put out.
A shame that faggot Filoni misappropriated The Force Unleashed culture for his shiteous Rebels show

Fuck you I can't think of a single good thing in all three ST movies. Not even the music.

Great. More idiotic Sour Wars threads incoming

I liked rogue one

I'm hoping someone might stream it otherwise clicking refresh on torrent sites will be the rest of my night like it was with BoBF

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Nah the music was good.

Lol was that actually in the film?

I agree, but it was pretty kino of Filoni to hire the actors of Titus Pullo and Lucius Vorenus to voice rival mandos in one of the episodes

I like the Rey music theme, that's about the only redeemable quality from the ST I can think of.