This shit made absolutely no sense yet everyone claimed it was 10/10 television kino. How come?

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just the vibe of it

>yet everyone claimed it was 10/10 television kino
Sunk cost. Everyone I know praised it to high heavens all the way to the beginning of the last season and then just stopped talking about it completely to the point that we've never talked about the ending.

It’s about the journey

Quit watching after season 1. It becomes unwatchable mid season 2.

At the time, people thought there was actual meaning behind the weird shit and it could be analyzed to tell a story behind the story we see.
Then it ended and it became obvious that they just made shit up as they went along. LOST scarred me, i never had any faith in a show after it ended.

it picks up again midway through season 3, with season 4 actually being the best season.

It's pretty easy to follow if you're not a complete brainlet and you pay attention. What did you get confused by?

Haven't seen Lost but it's true that most of the best TV shows don't have some great grand conclusion anyway.

the journey makes no sense of the ending is nonsensical

I just recently marathoner the first 5 seasons and I have absolutely no clue how ypu could say it made no sense. It is definitely convoluted, the scope expands allegiances shift and change but by no means does it make no sense. You just have to pay attention

>don't have some great grand conclusion anyway.
Yes but LOST tried to have one and it fell on its face

classic syndrome of amazing pilot with interesting mysteries that unfortunately had no solution at the time and they had to make it up as they went.

if lost was a modern day show they'd release the trailer, wait a year, release a 6 episode season, then take 3 years before releasing another 6 episodes. lost was just unfortunate to be a regular tv show

Not only that but the writer's strike hit it even harder

Lost is shit because every rule and mystery the world establishes gets violated later on.

I guess that's where they went wrong

Yes. A massive part of the show is rules and breaking rules. Did you not listen to half of the characters dialogue? I recall like at least 2 people saying the rules domt apply to Desmond.

The ending of lost isn’t even that bad why is everyone pretending like it was a Dallas or st Elmo tier ending. It’s not

people are retarded

The ending has been routinely shit on as being terrible because people thought everyone was dead the whole time.

it was 13/10

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What kind of retarded viewers would think they were dead the entire time when they have fucking contact with the outside world

Jacks dad at the end straight up says they weren’t dead

what was her problem?
why did she kept cucking jack?